"My poems will fertilize you. Make mental love & impregnate you. Developing into a growing emotion in you!" Writing based on everyday life.My God gifted talent. Poetry is like an emotional outlet & a way to share my inner thoughts in expressing myself. Spirit filled,honest & true!
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Monday, August 5, 2019
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Monday, December 26, 2016
Maak my onvervloekbaar
Hoe't ek hier gekom om so te doen nog voor ek dink? Dit is nie eens agressie nie net reaksie op ʼn skrik. Die mates wat jy praat met my uit die kwaad wat jy besit,
Het my gedruk en toe ek doen het ek geskrik. Wat het dan geword van my ons bly net stry, baklei? Hoekom bly jy dan so kwaad is dit die kind wat jy het van my? Liewe Vader God die lewe in my bloed. Is ek dalk nou vervloek en is dit nog die hemel wat ek soek? Waarnatoe lei ek my lewe? Hemelse Vader God kom vat die wiel. Kom sit my weer op die regte pad en gryp en red my siel. Jesus ek smeek jou gun en gee vir my verhoor en gehoor en dra my my boodskap aan God die Vader oor... Kom help en wêrk en leef in my verhouding ek vrees die liefde gaan verloor. Verlos my van my duiwels en vervloeke op my lewe ooral oor...
Het my gedruk en toe ek doen het ek geskrik. Wat het dan geword van my ons bly net stry, baklei? Hoekom bly jy dan so kwaad is dit die kind wat jy het van my? Liewe Vader God die lewe in my bloed. Is ek dalk nou vervloek en is dit nog die hemel wat ek soek? Waarnatoe lei ek my lewe? Hemelse Vader God kom vat die wiel. Kom sit my weer op die regte pad en gryp en red my siel. Jesus ek smeek jou gun en gee vir my verhoor en gehoor en dra my my boodskap aan God die Vader oor... Kom help en wêrk en leef in my verhouding ek vrees die liefde gaan verloor. Verlos my van my duiwels en vervloeke op my lewe ooral oor...
Sunday, March 20, 2016
My past addiction to metamphetamine (Tik/Crystal Meth.)
My past addiction to metamphetamine
Metamphetamine (Tik/Crystal meth.)
My past addiction.
A short story by Luciano Fisher.
A drug that has no discrimunation on
race,age,gender,rich or poor.
Anyone can become a victim of its addiction &
its power lies in the grip it has on the youth.
These young addicts are like soldiers for it,
Knowing or unknowingly promoting & gaining
more & more to grow dependant on it. Resulting
in one hell of a drug problem to deal with.To
make it more clear & I speak from personal
experiance. Out of a group of ten young
individuals in the western cape area ive met so
far. Id say 89percent of them are
users,addicts,dealers or have some experiance of
metamphetamine (Tik.).
About ten percent of parenting adults. This
makes it more popular than any of the drugs ive
heard of in my life. Meaning quick sales &
getting rich even faster. Sending off a message
to the youth saying a tik dealer is the thing to
be.Ultimately leading to a larger work force
behind it.Spreading it further & faster than any
other drug.This illuminates the law's ability to
keep controle over it.
Even some of our police members fell pray to it
to help them cope with late shifts.
Metamphetamine (Tik.) looks like tiny ice
crystals very simular to sugar or salt.
Its colour?I've seen yellow,brown,blue and heard
of even red. But mostly its transparant.
The white is known as the strongest & most
popular, It is often described as white ice.
Metamphetamine (Tik.) is baught in from a short
filled up straw wich price at twenty rand.
To a full gram ranging from 250-300
rand.Depending on how much you want or need
to satisfy your craving.These crystals are then
put into a prepared light bulb or "lollie"(Tik
It is then heated with a flame & as it forms a
liquid it gives off a white smoke.
The "lollie"or bulb is then routated from side to
side to increase the amount of smoke it gives
off as you inhaile. After filling your lungs with
this smoke, the flame is then removed & the
liquid returns to its crystal form.This prosses is
then repeated untill its completely
evapurated.The prepared bulb or "lollie" is mostly
used to know as burning you a hit or "n skoot
slat."But ive seen those who sniff or even eat it
to make the effects more quick.
After you took a few hits & it passes trough your
You begin to feel energized, if you were drunk
you'd become sober, you feel more open & have
the constant need to talk & keep busy, your
game for anything.
After a while your mouth begins to dry out & you
become a bit paranoid.
Seeing quick images of things that are'nt there &
suspicion of innocent people of cruel intensions.
Or moments I like to call blanks.
No taughts, no movement, almoust like a
computer freeze, a time out.
This is known as a "tokkie vang."
Metamphetamine (Tik.).
Some use it as a wake up, Some to make
them more productive at work, A few for
sexual indurance, Others to feed an addiction,
But mostly because everyone is doing it.
So its also used as a way to fit in.Into a
sociaty your better off being without.
Metamphetamine (Tik.)
Here's is some of my experiance.The whole
"We sometimes smoked ourselfs so high that
the only way to come down
was to smoke canabis/Thc (Dagga.).Thats
why they call Tik an upper and
Dagga a downer."Numbers gangs rule the
drug world."
So you will get ivolved or be a part of illegal
The first time i saw it i said that i would
never touch that stuff.
But it became a different story when we
moved to Cape Town and everyone
i knew was doing it.I mean
friends,family,everyone.I avoided it at first.
But when me and my first love broke up i lost
all my self esteem.
There's nothing more influanceable than a
fragile heart.So i gave in and said yes.
He took out a lollie and held the lighter flame
on it untill it filled with smoke.
He told me to pull on the other side and as i
blew out that cloud of smoke.
I was never to be the same again.
So it began....My past addiction to
Metamphetamine (Tik.).
At first it was just experementing.Doing it
every now and then.Plain fooling around.
But then it got serious.We started doing it
everyday.Sometimes even for days without
I remember sometimes feeling like i didnt
want to do it anymore.
But then i would do nothing it would remain
just a feeling.
The more people i met the deeper i got
involved with Metamphetamine (Tik.).
Because the only people i met was either
Dealers or users.
It was the wrong people but they made me
feel like i belong.
Like i really ment something to them.So i saw
them as my friends.
I was new to this place so i looked to them to
show me where its fun to hang out.You know
places to go.
But the only places they took me was places
to go smoke.
With each place they took me the deeper i got
I came in contact with the numbers and saw
their involvement in the dealing game.
Then i finally realised they where all make
believe friends.Using me only for my car and
With all that in mind and having sold all my
possesions for the entertainment of friends.
Coz a real friend was all i wanted.Depressed
& lonely I went solo.I wanted to smoke myself
to death.
Till eventually my parents saw and took me to
get help.You never know how deep you are
untill you see what you've become.A drug is
addictive but your company makes you an
So know your real friends.Dont fall for make
I have had a couple of relapses since then but
it only taught me more self controle.
Now im steddy on the road of putting it behind
I have dealed, lend out my car, made drug
drops & pic ups, sold almoust all of my
& bared witness to girls selling their body's
for it.
All in the name of one more pipe.
I don't regret the experiance, but i am not
So i'll end this by saying:Metamphetamine
(Tik.) its something your better off without
"A while after writing this I relapsed into full
addiction which led me to selling all my
things, Doing drug runs and even fishing the
streets for scrap metal all in the name of one
more hit. It even got me kicked out the house
I was completely self destructive with no
intent of quitting until my family did an
intervention and inrolled me into the 12 step
program. I completed the program and remain
clean with no intent of ever going back and I
now lead a happy sober life...."
Metamphetamine (Tik/Crystal meth.)
My past addiction.
A short story by Luciano Fisher.
A drug that has no discrimunation on
race,age,gender,rich or poor.
Anyone can become a victim of its addiction &
its power lies in the grip it has on the youth.
These young addicts are like soldiers for it,
Knowing or unknowingly promoting & gaining
more & more to grow dependant on it. Resulting
in one hell of a drug problem to deal with.To
make it more clear & I speak from personal
experiance. Out of a group of ten young
individuals in the western cape area ive met so
far. Id say 89percent of them are
users,addicts,dealers or have some experiance of
metamphetamine (Tik.).
About ten percent of parenting adults. This
makes it more popular than any of the drugs ive
heard of in my life. Meaning quick sales &
getting rich even faster. Sending off a message
to the youth saying a tik dealer is the thing to
be.Ultimately leading to a larger work force
behind it.Spreading it further & faster than any
other drug.This illuminates the law's ability to
keep controle over it.
Even some of our police members fell pray to it
to help them cope with late shifts.
Metamphetamine (Tik.) looks like tiny ice
crystals very simular to sugar or salt.
Its colour?I've seen yellow,brown,blue and heard
of even red. But mostly its transparant.
The white is known as the strongest & most
popular, It is often described as white ice.
Metamphetamine (Tik.) is baught in from a short
filled up straw wich price at twenty rand.
To a full gram ranging from 250-300
rand.Depending on how much you want or need
to satisfy your craving.These crystals are then
put into a prepared light bulb or "lollie"(Tik
It is then heated with a flame & as it forms a
liquid it gives off a white smoke.
The "lollie"or bulb is then routated from side to
side to increase the amount of smoke it gives
off as you inhaile. After filling your lungs with
this smoke, the flame is then removed & the
liquid returns to its crystal form.This prosses is
then repeated untill its completely
evapurated.The prepared bulb or "lollie" is mostly
used to know as burning you a hit or "n skoot
slat."But ive seen those who sniff or even eat it
to make the effects more quick.
After you took a few hits & it passes trough your
You begin to feel energized, if you were drunk
you'd become sober, you feel more open & have
the constant need to talk & keep busy, your
game for anything.
After a while your mouth begins to dry out & you
become a bit paranoid.
Seeing quick images of things that are'nt there &
suspicion of innocent people of cruel intensions.
Or moments I like to call blanks.
No taughts, no movement, almoust like a
computer freeze, a time out.
This is known as a "tokkie vang."
Metamphetamine (Tik.).
Some use it as a wake up, Some to make
them more productive at work, A few for
sexual indurance, Others to feed an addiction,
But mostly because everyone is doing it.
So its also used as a way to fit in.Into a
sociaty your better off being without.
Metamphetamine (Tik.)
Here's is some of my experiance.The whole
"We sometimes smoked ourselfs so high that
the only way to come down
was to smoke canabis/Thc (Dagga.).Thats
why they call Tik an upper and
Dagga a downer."Numbers gangs rule the
drug world."
So you will get ivolved or be a part of illegal
The first time i saw it i said that i would
never touch that stuff.
But it became a different story when we
moved to Cape Town and everyone
i knew was doing it.I mean
friends,family,everyone.I avoided it at first.
But when me and my first love broke up i lost
all my self esteem.
There's nothing more influanceable than a
fragile heart.So i gave in and said yes.
He took out a lollie and held the lighter flame
on it untill it filled with smoke.
He told me to pull on the other side and as i
blew out that cloud of smoke.
I was never to be the same again.
So it began....My past addiction to
Metamphetamine (Tik.).
At first it was just experementing.Doing it
every now and then.Plain fooling around.
But then it got serious.We started doing it
everyday.Sometimes even for days without
I remember sometimes feeling like i didnt
want to do it anymore.
But then i would do nothing it would remain
just a feeling.
The more people i met the deeper i got
involved with Metamphetamine (Tik.).
Because the only people i met was either
Dealers or users.
It was the wrong people but they made me
feel like i belong.
Like i really ment something to them.So i saw
them as my friends.
I was new to this place so i looked to them to
show me where its fun to hang out.You know
places to go.
But the only places they took me was places
to go smoke.
With each place they took me the deeper i got
I came in contact with the numbers and saw
their involvement in the dealing game.
Then i finally realised they where all make
believe friends.Using me only for my car and
With all that in mind and having sold all my
possesions for the entertainment of friends.
Coz a real friend was all i wanted.Depressed
& lonely I went solo.I wanted to smoke myself
to death.
Till eventually my parents saw and took me to
get help.You never know how deep you are
untill you see what you've become.A drug is
addictive but your company makes you an
So know your real friends.Dont fall for make
I have had a couple of relapses since then but
it only taught me more self controle.
Now im steddy on the road of putting it behind
I have dealed, lend out my car, made drug
drops & pic ups, sold almoust all of my
& bared witness to girls selling their body's
for it.
All in the name of one more pipe.
I don't regret the experiance, but i am not
So i'll end this by saying:Metamphetamine
(Tik.) its something your better off without
"A while after writing this I relapsed into full
addiction which led me to selling all my
things, Doing drug runs and even fishing the
streets for scrap metal all in the name of one
more hit. It even got me kicked out the house
I was completely self destructive with no
intent of quitting until my family did an
intervention and inrolled me into the 12 step
program. I completed the program and remain
clean with no intent of ever going back and I
now lead a happy sober life...."
Sunday, January 4, 2015
My gebed vir ons:
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Truth be told
I retake control over my own life and stand by myself like I'm my own wife.
I know myself no-matter what I'm told.
So I will be myself while I'm young and old.
Truth be told.
I know myself no-matter what I'm told.
So I will be myself while I'm young and old.
Truth be told.
Somerset West, Cape Town, South Africa
Respect the fact that I do not need to be like you
You can not be resentful cause I'm not resentful.
You cant be disbelieving cause I'm choosing not to be remorseful.
You can not feel bad because I do not hold on to anger.
All you can do is respect me in that manner.
I don't feel bad because I am not like you.
So all you can do is respect the fact that I do not need to be like you.
You cant be disbelieving cause I'm choosing not to be remorseful.
You can not feel bad because I do not hold on to anger.
All you can do is respect me in that manner.
I don't feel bad because I am not like you.
So all you can do is respect the fact that I do not need to be like you.
Because I will always know what is going on
Understand and know that love is where I belong.
It is what keeps me calm and away from wrong.
Know that my intentions are always based on love.
Therefore I am stating that love belongs with love.
Do not try to take me in a manner that is wrong.
Do it out of love because I am too strong.
For as long as it is love you need not fear that I will do you wrong.
Because I will always know what is going on.
It is what keeps me calm and away from wrong.
Know that my intentions are always based on love.
Therefore I am stating that love belongs with love.
Do not try to take me in a manner that is wrong.
Do it out of love because I am too strong.
For as long as it is love you need not fear that I will do you wrong.
Because I will always know what is going on.
Jy forseer nie jou manier met my soos n mens wat verkrag nie
Daar is nie n agterkant aan my storie nie.
So daar is geen manier vir jou om my gat te vat nie.
Ek is nie piel of poes belustag nie.
So daar is nie n manier vir jou om my vir n piel of poes te vat nie.
My derde oog is nie gat om iets in te druk nie.
So al sit jy wat in my gedagte in gaan dit nie vir jou uitwerk nie.
Jy kom nie deur/deer my sonder om jouself ontvrugbaar te maak nie.
Net vir die feit dat jy dit nie vir my gevra het nie.
Jy vra nie van my iets en bedoel iets anders nie.
Sonder dat ek dit dadelik onbestaan nie.
Ek het nie n dubbel nie.
So jy speel nie vir my nie.
GOD sal jou vermoor in geesie,geesie speel hier.
God belet jou manier van spoke rondstuur.
In die naam van Jesus,GOD en mens gebeur hier.
Moenie goed in my kop in druk en maak asof ek dit gemaak het nie.
Moenie fluister in my oor en maak asof ek dit gese het nie.
My nee is nie ja nie.
Maak nie saak hoe lank of baie jy vra nie.
Jy forseer nie jou manier met my soos n mens wat verkrag nie.
So daar is geen manier vir jou om my gat te vat nie.
Ek is nie piel of poes belustag nie.
So daar is nie n manier vir jou om my vir n piel of poes te vat nie.
My derde oog is nie gat om iets in te druk nie.
So al sit jy wat in my gedagte in gaan dit nie vir jou uitwerk nie.
Jy kom nie deur/deer my sonder om jouself ontvrugbaar te maak nie.
Net vir die feit dat jy dit nie vir my gevra het nie.
Jy vra nie van my iets en bedoel iets anders nie.
Sonder dat ek dit dadelik onbestaan nie.
Ek het nie n dubbel nie.
So jy speel nie vir my nie.
GOD sal jou vermoor in geesie,geesie speel hier.
God belet jou manier van spoke rondstuur.
In die naam van Jesus,GOD en mens gebeur hier.
Moenie goed in my kop in druk en maak asof ek dit gemaak het nie.
Moenie fluister in my oor en maak asof ek dit gese het nie.
My nee is nie ja nie.
Maak nie saak hoe lank of baie jy vra nie.
Jy forseer nie jou manier met my soos n mens wat verkrag nie.
I will not be...
I will not be spiritually, physically and mindfully fucked up the ass.
Nor will my soul be attacked and broken with focus on my ass.
Nor will my soul be attacked and broken with focus on my ass.
N wil wat ek nie sal ag nie is n wil vir verkrag nie
Moet nie n gat in my kop in praat nie om jou way te maak nie.
Want n wil wat ek nie sal ag nie is n wil vir verkrag nie.
Want n wil wat ek nie sal ag nie is n wil vir verkrag nie.
For in all this I am blameless
Release my restrictions of my past convictions.
I surpass all suspicions and demand forgiveness.
For in all this I am blameless.
I surpass all suspicions and demand forgiveness.
For in all this I am blameless.
As jy my nie verstaan nie is dit nie my probleem nie
Ek is nie n slaansak of n skild om agter weg te kruip nie.
Ek is ook nie n gat om jou in weg te steek nie.
Ek is myself of jy my nou verstaan of nie.
Jy kan nie jou eie goed/goet met my kom maak nie.
Ek niks anders wees as net myself nie.
Jy blaas ook nie wind in my gat op nie.
My wil is nie n ding vir jou om mee te vok nie.
My wil is reine ware liefde of jy dit nou besef of nie.
Vir my kan jy nie terug hou deur/deer nie die waarheid te erken nie.
Vir my kan jy nie blammeer vir wat voor of na my met jou gebeur het nie.
Ek sal nooit myself ontken nie.
Jy kan my ook nie van myself weerhou nie.
Jy kan my ook nie van myself wil wegneem nie.
Ek het niks minder as net liefgehe nie.
Jy kan my ook nie blammeer vir wat jy toelaat om met jouself te gebeur as gevolg van my nie.
Ek is nie n gebruik nie.
So moet my nie gebruik nie en ook nie ry soos jy kyk nie.
As jy my nie verstaan nie is dit nie my probleem nie.
Ek is ook nie n gat om jou in weg te steek nie.
Ek is myself of jy my nou verstaan of nie.
Jy kan nie jou eie goed/goet met my kom maak nie.
Ek niks anders wees as net myself nie.
Jy blaas ook nie wind in my gat op nie.
My wil is nie n ding vir jou om mee te vok nie.
My wil is reine ware liefde of jy dit nou besef of nie.
Vir my kan jy nie terug hou deur/deer nie die waarheid te erken nie.
Vir my kan jy nie blammeer vir wat voor of na my met jou gebeur het nie.
Ek sal nooit myself ontken nie.
Jy kan my ook nie van myself weerhou nie.
Jy kan my ook nie van myself wil wegneem nie.
Ek het niks minder as net liefgehe nie.
Jy kan my ook nie blammeer vir wat jy toelaat om met jouself te gebeur as gevolg van my nie.
Ek is nie n gebruik nie.
So moet my nie gebruik nie en ook nie ry soos jy kyk nie.
As jy my nie verstaan nie is dit nie my probleem nie.
Ek is nie n pop wie se stringe jy trek nie
Vir my sal jy nie af vat met jou fokus of wilskrag nie.
Vir my sal jy nie verander deur met my kop te speel nie.
Ek is nie n poppie wie se stringe jy trek nie.
Vir my sal jy nie verander deur met my kop te speel nie.
Ek is nie n poppie wie se stringe jy trek nie.
I will not hide
Your manipulative thinking will not change my mind.
Your abusive forceful actions will not kill myself inside.
You can not bully me into being kind.
My life is my own and for myself to find.
I will not hide.
Your abusive forceful actions will not kill myself inside.
You can not bully me into being kind.
My life is my own and for myself to find.
I will not hide.
Enables me to be myself
Do not question or disbelieve in me.
Love is my nature clear as the eyes can see.
The manner in which I function is based upon my self belief.
Enables me to be myself and gives me self relief.
Love is my nature clear as the eyes can see.
The manner in which I function is based upon my self belief.
Enables me to be myself and gives me self relief.
Kry self benul
Druk soos jy wil inkom kans is nul/nil.
Jy't te veel gekul en agter af gewil.
Jy het geen benul wat dit is om lief te wil.
Jou speelekie is onvrugbaar gemaak en uit die lewe gewil.
Hou op mens in die gat kyk en erken jou siek wil.
"Kill your skill"
Ek het myself besiel vir wie will jy skiel/skill en kul?
Kry self benul!
Jy't te veel gekul en agter af gewil.
Jy het geen benul wat dit is om lief te wil.
Jou speelekie is onvrugbaar gemaak en uit die lewe gewil.
Hou op mens in die gat kyk en erken jou siek wil.
"Kill your skill"
Ek het myself besiel vir wie will jy skiel/skill en kul?
Kry self benul!
Due to that way my will wills you impotent
I see you manipulate by way of complaint
As you play the system to your heart's content
Due to that way my will wills you impotent.
As you play the system to your heart's content
Due to that way my will wills you impotent.
Don't mislead my eyes
Don't invade or brake me down with my eyes.
With your unsaid lies.
Misleading my eyes!
With your unsaid lies.
Misleading my eyes!
To keep loving perfectly
Install a self ability to keep in touch reality.
To comprehend and execute on possibility.
Dependent on the will in me.
To love with no impossibility.
I will do this selfish and selflessly.
To keep loving perfectly.
To comprehend and execute on possibility.
Dependent on the will in me.
To love with no impossibility.
I will do this selfish and selflessly.
To keep loving perfectly.
Love is what I do and done
I remain unforgotten in the good I've done.
Its my power in effect of what my love's become.
Among the billions I remain the one.
Love is what I do and done!
Its my power in effect of what my love's become.
Among the billions I remain the one.
Love is what I do and done!
Don't you know your soul?
Your addicted to control so you cant let go.
You have a need to rule so disobedience is uncool.
Your a power addict and you will loose your self control.
Do you not know your soul?
You have a need to rule so disobedience is uncool.
Your a power addict and you will loose your self control.
Do you not know your soul?
Ask your planning self how did you brake my heart?
Your distrustful mind has broken my heart.
Its been said from the start do not betray my trust.
Now ask your planning self how did you brake my heart?
Its been said from the start do not betray my trust.
Now ask your planning self how did you brake my heart?
Besmet die vlees/vleis met my geskrewe woord materiaale!
Ek installeer en progameer my woord op die brein gewasse.
Spuit my geskrewe woorde in liggaame
en besmet die vlees/vleis met my geskrewe woord materiaale.
Spuit my geskrewe woorde in liggaame
en besmet die vlees/vleis met my geskrewe woord materiaale.
Somerset West, Cape Town, South Africa
Waar ek my gevoelens vertaal in my moeder en tweede taal
My oopenbaaring is verklaar in my digterstaal.
Waarin ek my gevoelens deur my woord uitstraal.
Weerspeeling van my weese in in die mensverhaal.
My persoonsweese is geskrewe in my rymverhaal.
Waar ek my gevoelens vertaal.
Waarin ek my gevoelens deur my woord uitstraal.
Weerspeeling van my weese in in die mensverhaal.
My persoonsweese is geskrewe in my rymverhaal.
Waar ek my gevoelens vertaal.
Somerset West, Cape Town, South Africa
I myself
I think for myself and I love myself.
I see for myself and I feel myself.
I fill up myself and I seed myself.
I live in the womb of the soul myself.
I flow myself and I drive myself.
I sleep with myself and I know myself.
I keep myself and live inside myself.
For I am myself and my female self.
I will myself and I am not against myself.
I know myself.
I have come to know and accept myself and I am fully satisfied with myself.
I trust and understand myself and I do forgive myself.
I truly honestly love myself and I am good enough for myself.
I have nothing to change about myself and I am proud and happy with myself.
Somerset West, Cape Town, South Africa
Monday, September 2, 2013
Reconnecting life to myself in my GOD condition
I work myself into the system like a neurotoxin.
A primary disease like the human condition.
Injecting my emotions through its primary function.
Reconnecting with myself with only love & emotion.
Capturing my state of being in my own evolution.
Disconnecting all the pipelines of myself polution.
Cell regeneration of myself solution.
Unbegetting process of myself abortion.
Reconnecting life to myself in my GOD condition.
My soul begin communication over every connection.
There is no abort switch in my love creation.
You can not brake my back to take control over my own creation.
Somerset West, Cape Town, South Africa
I will
I will not mislead mislead myself in love.
Nor will I abuse that power of love.
I will not pretend to be in love.
I will truly and really fall in love.
I will not be afraid to fall in love.
I will fall in love for myself even if it means taking a risk in love
I will not stop myself from being in love.
I will not be jealous or resentful for being in love.
I will not be concerned for being in love.
I will know that all I need is love.
I will not steal myself from love.
I will not forbid myself from love.
I will feel I deserve to be in love.
I will not talk myself out of love.
I will not try to take the place of love.
I will not put myself out of love so that I can feel good about myself & know that I am in love.
I will accept my yes and understand my no.
I will not force myself against my will.
So that I may forgive for being forced against my will.
I will have a choice to follow or not follow my will.
Somerset West, Cape Town, South Africa
Thursday, December 6, 2012
My denkpatroon!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 11:27am ·
My denkpatroon gaan met gevoel gepart.
So my gehuee en gedagtes is van liefdes aard.
Wat die haat ontken en liefde dra in hart.
Ek is natuurlik goedgeaard en ek vegewe kwaad.
My kapasityd vir liefde maak my onvrugbaar vir haat en die boose gees en kragte kan ek nie in my laat.
Daarteen is ek beskerm met die hemel en die hel en die aarde se wraak.
Net die goeie en die liefde kan my innerlik raak.
Ek is GOD op aarde lewend gemaak!
Het my meer lief as n besitting!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 11:21am ·
Het my my meer lief as n besitting en het my lief saam, apart en intussen.
Sien raak my liefdes weesin en ken en eer dit as n ryk boe rykdom.
Vertrou en weet ek is nie n voorkom maar wel die Goddom en sy liefdom.
Die oorsprong van die mensdom en GOD homself in mensdom.
Grant me truth & make love my root!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 11:16am
Grant me truth & make love my root.
Open my heart & eyes to see & know the good.
Let my love wake hunger for love, thus run back quickly to love.
I will love to be happy in love.
I live in on the inside living GOD alive!
So love doingly making & forming the nature of things in my own insides image!
"GOD & Duiwel in liefdesgelykenis en wel dan die lewensverlede vergewe en neer te le vergete met skoongewete en goed en sleg gevoel dus aanbewegende.
God lewe!
Mede weete mee gevoelende liefdes hebbende liefde's lewende mensweese!
Daarvoor dus Godliefhebbende mede en teenoorweese van liefdes wete God se reine waare liefde!"
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 11:27am ·
My denkpatroon gaan met gevoel gepart.
So my gehuee en gedagtes is van liefdes aard.
Wat die haat ontken en liefde dra in hart.
Ek is natuurlik goedgeaard en ek vegewe kwaad.
My kapasityd vir liefde maak my onvrugbaar vir haat en die boose gees en kragte kan ek nie in my laat.
Daarteen is ek beskerm met die hemel en die hel en die aarde se wraak.
Net die goeie en die liefde kan my innerlik raak.
Ek is GOD op aarde lewend gemaak!
Het my meer lief as n besitting!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 11:21am ·
Het my my meer lief as n besitting en het my lief saam, apart en intussen.
Sien raak my liefdes weesin en ken en eer dit as n ryk boe rykdom.
Vertrou en weet ek is nie n voorkom maar wel die Goddom en sy liefdom.
Die oorsprong van die mensdom en GOD homself in mensdom.
Grant me truth & make love my root!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 11:16am
Grant me truth & make love my root.
Open my heart & eyes to see & know the good.
Let my love wake hunger for love, thus run back quickly to love.
I will love to be happy in love.
I live in on the inside living GOD alive!
So love doingly making & forming the nature of things in my own insides image!
"GOD & Duiwel in liefdesgelykenis en wel dan die lewensverlede vergewe en neer te le vergete met skoongewete en goed en sleg gevoel dus aanbewegende.
God lewe!
Mede weete mee gevoelende liefdes hebbende liefde's lewende mensweese!
Daarvoor dus Godliefhebbende mede en teenoorweese van liefdes wete God se reine waare liefde!"
Monday, November 19, 2012
As the spirit traveled in darkness over waters & nothingness.
There I made my first appearance as spiritual thoughts!
Dear I my me...
I speak to the heart so you may hear me.
Within my creations you can always find me.
By reading what I've written & making time for me.
I come to you in my poetic creations of loving dedication.
My supernatural communication.
These are the loudest words ever written so loud its heard by the body,mind,heart,flesh & blood & bones,Spirit,all & soul.
(Place this on everything I've written.)
Upon this page my spirit goes.
As my pen meets paper flowing ink to words.
Deep expression of emotional lines.
Lines that create a confession of meaningful rimes.
A life story told in form of a poem.
Poetic pieces embodied with deepest emotion.
My emotional struggle of daily life.
Creative expression of my inner self.
These poems dedicated to a modern world.
New poems of hope & love like the psalms of old.
My spirit travels within the flow of my words as I use them to create whatever I can imagine.
As clear as day & as loud as drums I hear echoes of my words inside thoughts.
Fallen children must rise against it.
They can end it cause their hearts can not be mended with hatred.
The living dead are fallen children.
No one knows pain like bound by their emotion.
They have no happy faces.
But have learned to fake smiles.
The infinite emptyness is what happens when a heart dies.
Only love gives life & removes pain from these eyes.
Love makes a dead heart become alive.
Mentally they manipulate to keep control.
So clearly their addicted to the feeling of being in control.
Braking your spirit to in-force their rule.
Pumping you with fear to not oppose their rule.
Its plain cruelty to the soul.
Therefor the soul will instinctively brake the power of this rule.
Musical communication,
Mental stimulation,
Guide & reach the population.
Creative innovation,
Musical communication,
A global domination,
My verse communication,
Fertile viral realization,
My word manifesting in creation...
See I've been wondering for a long time now.
On how to turn cold world into love somehow.
So I say to you,you may know me now.
Love is all I am,do & know...
Hie's ie nome nou oppie overflow.
Die liefde issie ding wat ek nou aanskou.
So betree my liefde jou in gedagte nou,
waarheid praat saam met jou & ek wys jou in jou hart jou hart kan well lief he & vertrou.
Deer hoe ek is met jou en jy kry die heele waarheid vanaf alles wat jy van en oor my onthou.
Is net goed vir jou in die weete van myself wat jy onthou wat glad nie liefde weerhou.
Beteken iets vir jou en jy kry verstant vir my emosie en my liefde gou.
Daar vanaf begin jy self gevoelens in jou gedagte op bou en dit word deel van jou en jou lewe,jou lewe gaan dan aan gepart aan liefde,vrede en vreugde.
Ek het so lief my lewe bly vol liefde.
There I made my first appearance as spiritual thoughts!
Dear I my me...
I speak to the heart so you may hear me.
Within my creations you can always find me.
By reading what I've written & making time for me.
I come to you in my poetic creations of loving dedication.
My supernatural communication.
These are the loudest words ever written so loud its heard by the body,mind,heart,flesh & blood & bones,Spirit,all & soul.
(Place this on everything I've written.)
Upon this page my spirit goes.
As my pen meets paper flowing ink to words.
Deep expression of emotional lines.
Lines that create a confession of meaningful rimes.
A life story told in form of a poem.
Poetic pieces embodied with deepest emotion.
My emotional struggle of daily life.
Creative expression of my inner self.
These poems dedicated to a modern world.
New poems of hope & love like the psalms of old.
My spirit travels within the flow of my words as I use them to create whatever I can imagine.
As clear as day & as loud as drums I hear echoes of my words inside thoughts.
Fallen children must rise against it.
They can end it cause their hearts can not be mended with hatred.
The living dead are fallen children.
No one knows pain like bound by their emotion.
They have no happy faces.
But have learned to fake smiles.
The infinite emptyness is what happens when a heart dies.
Only love gives life & removes pain from these eyes.
Love makes a dead heart become alive.
Mentally they manipulate to keep control.
So clearly their addicted to the feeling of being in control.
Braking your spirit to in-force their rule.
Pumping you with fear to not oppose their rule.
Its plain cruelty to the soul.
Therefor the soul will instinctively brake the power of this rule.
Musical communication,
Mental stimulation,
Guide & reach the population.
Creative innovation,
Musical communication,
A global domination,
My verse communication,
Fertile viral realization,
My word manifesting in creation...
See I've been wondering for a long time now.
On how to turn cold world into love somehow.
So I say to you,you may know me now.
Love is all I am,do & know...
Hie's ie nome nou oppie overflow.
Die liefde issie ding wat ek nou aanskou.
So betree my liefde jou in gedagte nou,
waarheid praat saam met jou & ek wys jou in jou hart jou hart kan well lief he & vertrou.
Deer hoe ek is met jou en jy kry die heele waarheid vanaf alles wat jy van en oor my onthou.
Is net goed vir jou in die weete van myself wat jy onthou wat glad nie liefde weerhou.
Beteken iets vir jou en jy kry verstant vir my emosie en my liefde gou.
Daar vanaf begin jy self gevoelens in jou gedagte op bou en dit word deel van jou en jou lewe,jou lewe gaan dan aan gepart aan liefde,vrede en vreugde.
Ek het so lief my lewe bly vol liefde.
YOU AND ME CAN BE THE A TO Z! (Final Update and Complete)
- Allow me to share with you my being.
- Be my cure when I need healing.
- Call on me when your sad and lonely.
- Dare to be my one and only.
- Even if you are not here beside me.
- Find me as you think about me.
- Grow on me until we are one.
- Have me call you my someone.
- Intensify my love for you.
- Just by being yourself and doing what you do.
- Know me like you know yourself.
- Love me completely in sickness and health.
- Mean to me more than the world.
- Need me more than you need money or gold.
- Openly love me for no one else but me.
- Play the part I need you to be.
- Queen of my heart?
- Reveal your part.
- Show me in our relationship what I am doing wrong.
- Teach me how to love you and make our bond more strong.
- Unite our souls by staying true.
- Versus all I will fight for you.
- Will you be?
- Xtra loving just for me?
- You and me could be the greatest love story told.
- Zealously as its written I shall & will uphold.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Omdat ek jou en jy my lief het!
Meer as wat ek dink jy's aantreklik dink en voel ek jy's n wonderlike persoon om te wees met.
Ongeag wat ookal ons doen of wat gebeur het is elke oomblik n tyd van liefde wat ons saam spandeer het.
Daarom sal jy altyd n plek van liefde in my hart het omdat dit liefde is wat jy aan my uitbeeld.
Vir jou wil ek my liefde vanselfspreekent omdat jy dit verdien uit jouself medeweesent.
Jy gee my vrede waar ek nie in myself kon rus vind en dit stel my hart gerus omdat jy my werklik waar lief het.
Jy laat my voel en weet ek is nie alleen in hierdie wereld so daar is niks wat ek vir jou sal wegsteek waaropookal jy my aanraak met.
Omdat ek weet jy bedoel en doen nooit aan my leet is jy die een wat my liefdeself met jouself kan meet en in jou as jou eie kan neem in die volle waarheid van liefhet.
Jy is my liefde lewende weese waardigheid en vir jou is daar dankbaarheid en goedgeaardheid.
Omdat ek jou net kan lief het en daaroor sal ek nooit skaam,twyfel,vrees,spyt of berou oor het.
Ek wil vir jou liefdes volmaaktyd/volmaakheid.
Ongeag wat ookal ons doen of wat gebeur het is elke oomblik n tyd van liefde wat ons saam spandeer het.
Daarom sal jy altyd n plek van liefde in my hart het omdat dit liefde is wat jy aan my uitbeeld.
Vir jou wil ek my liefde vanselfspreekent omdat jy dit verdien uit jouself medeweesent.
Jy gee my vrede waar ek nie in myself kon rus vind en dit stel my hart gerus omdat jy my werklik waar lief het.
Jy laat my voel en weet ek is nie alleen in hierdie wereld so daar is niks wat ek vir jou sal wegsteek waaropookal jy my aanraak met.
Omdat ek weet jy bedoel en doen nooit aan my leet is jy die een wat my liefdeself met jouself kan meet en in jou as jou eie kan neem in die volle waarheid van liefhet.
Jy is my liefde lewende weese waardigheid en vir jou is daar dankbaarheid en goedgeaardheid.
Omdat ek jou net kan lief het en daaroor sal ek nooit skaam,twyfel,vrees,spyt of berou oor het.
Ek wil vir jou liefdes volmaaktyd/volmaakheid.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
My Sex Energie,Dryf En Gees...
My sex energie,dryf en gees smelt saam in en met my binekant en ek die liefde heers.
Ek maak oopenbloote liefde sonder n end,keer,behoet of vrees.
My elke saadstort is in liggaam,siel en gees.
Want ek paar vanaf die liggaam tot in met die gees.
Met ek my liefdes weese wat die grond met sy woord laat beweeg en met sy asem maak lewendag/lewendig wees.
Ek (Kom) klimax/kliemaks in god,God en GOD en ek GOD ek se gees oor die lewende waters begin...
Ek maak oopenbloote liefde sonder n end,keer,behoet of vrees.
My elke saadstort is in liggaam,siel en gees.
Want ek paar vanaf die liggaam tot in met die gees.
Met ek my liefdes weese wat die grond met sy woord laat beweeg en met sy asem maak lewendag/lewendig wees.
Ek (Kom) klimax/kliemaks in god,God en GOD en ek GOD ek se gees oor die lewende waters begin...
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Thursday, October 4, 2012
Dit is juis omdat ek jou lief het dat ek wegbreek van ongemaklik voel
As jy net glo ek het jou lief
Dan voel jy ek het jou lief.
As jy net aanvaar ek het jou lief
Verstaan jy my definitief.
As jy net ophou my liefde probeer ontken.
Dan sal jy my liefde vir jou leer ken.
As jy net geweet het hoe lief ek is vir jou.
Sou jy geweet het dat ek elke woord bedoel.
Omdat ek presies weet wat ek voel.
Is dit altyd waarlik vir jou bedoel.
Ek sal jou nooit forseer om my lief te he nie.
So verstaan as ek jou verlaat wanneer jy my so laat voel.
Dit is juis omdat ek jou lief het dat ek wegbreek van ongemaklik voel.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
I am the voice and breath of life!
Each time I speak I command my breath of spirit over neuron pathways function process thoughts. Which is the broadcast frequency of my soul and my. brain's static electric silent noise. (So every time that I'm thinking it means that I'm listening and receiving word of my voice.) Therefore my brains thought process is simply the receiving and translating of the words carried by breath of spirit in my speaking voice. Even now type writing I am speaking and neuron firing the instructions to complete this task my instrument or body has no ability to make a choice. I am the voice and breath of life!
[Written by I.D=8411045107084 LUCIANO FISHER 1984/11/04 ZA]
[Written by I.D=8411045107084 LUCIANO FISHER 1984/11/04 ZA]
I.D=8411045107084 LUCIANO FISHER 1984/11/04 ZA
Monday, November 1, 2010
I write love with my sperm...
I write love with my sperm as the ink in my black pink point pen & use the fabric of reality as the page I write on. So the love I write is fertilization & impregnation of reality into giving birth to love I write as a part of reality. Increasing my love energy.
I write love with my fatally fertile sperm...
Birth of my creation.
I go so deep in emotion I consive reality & my love is like a universe inside of me. My inner universe space as creation platform & my brain is like a fertile egg I fertilize with my sperm's electric lifeform. Going into labour everytime I start creating. Birth of my creation. My sperm swim in my brainwaves. I also allow my sperm to leak into energy, electric streams & radio waves. Conscious!
Friday, October 1, 2010
By the beat of my heart!
by Luciano Fisher
Love is immortal will you may call my heart & my blood knows the way of a loving taught. So there's blood memory of love the brain forgot. This ensures that the will of my heart won't stop. Living on in my spirit like our loving GOD. Pumping life in my veins by the beat of my heart. Giving birth to love making in the in the people I've touched. Love in the form of emotional growth. My emotion embodied in the poems I've wrote. On a public platform communicate across the globe & in time they come alive all around the world. Immortal will realised by the love my poems hold.
As I sit & think!
by Luciano Fisher on Monday, June 14, 2010 at 8:54am
As I sit & think about the life I lived of every past mistake & every struggle faced. I contemplate of a way I do not feel alone & I am better understood in my family home. So they may know & except me for the way I am & we no longer fuss & fight about the way I am. Please understand I make love in almost everything
Energy by my life flow!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 14, 2010
I feel a pulse let the blood flow! Heart beat pump my love in the veins full. Nerve endings feel & start the Eco. So now you feel & you know. Spirit go make it so! Energy by my life flow!
Love conceived!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 14, 2010
Lend me your ears so I can speak! Come a little closer so my word's heard & received. Listen in emotion so its felt & believed. Then to your understanding that its love conceived!
I need you to believe in me & know me well enough to trust me!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I need you to believe in me & know me well enough to trust me & even when I take a risk I need you to allow me. I need you to love me, love me in a way you will allow me to be me. This is a part of what makes me feel free. God knows I long to be free!
Wake up dear love!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wake up dear love! Arise from your slumber. There is a great need for love they hunger. Can you hear my heart calling for love I suffer? Wake up dear love! My love is calling ya!
I deliver revelation!
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 4:48pm
I deliver revelation, Of love creation, As an occupation, Global motivation, Universal blessing, Of my love confessing, So my love may come to every understanding. I'm a loving being, You can feel the real thing, There is no defending, When its love connecting, So I will you no doubt in love understanding. Believe its true! That when it comes to love I tell no lies to you. So now I'm telling you. That I do love you!
A rush of blood brings oxygen to my head!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A rush of blood brings oxygen to my head & I begin to think more clearer than Ive ever had. I understand more deeply & imagine possibility. Then gain more determination to create love within me. I then begin to see in feeling & understand my personality.
Program love as a function!
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 5:58pm
Program love as a function making hate unwelcome. So the jealousy wont come & the trust is welcome. Then our happiness be done. Everyone is a loved one. Let us help one another. With care for each other & see how special difference is to each other. Command love from another! Everyone is equal. Make oppression illegal & we see every one's love become so damn real. That everyone in the world will have love they can feel.
Love as an instinct!
by Luciano Fisher on Friday, June 18, 2010 at 11:53pm
I speak in faith like the universe. My writing speak. Born faith in God so its never weak. Love as an instinct. Care no need to think. Coz when it comes to my love there is no delete. My love within ever present, ever dominant. Any obstacle my love will conquer it. Love has no defeat, impossible to beat. Coz everything in existence fuck in came from it.
Love comes alive!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, June 18, 2010
A breath of love, fill your lungs, love comes alive, open your eyes, see I'm love & I am still alive.
With the earth as a platform!
by Luciano Fisher on Saturday, June 19, 2010 at 11:09am
With the earth as a platform. I'm aiming above norm. To change my reality into a better one. To love more freely & express more clearly. Without insecurity in being just me. No holding back my personality. Therefore I'm always living ever truthfully. If I have a hidden motive it is loving truly. Love is my riches & of greatest value. Just like a slave I will work on loving you & always improve in the ways I love you!
You need not fear me!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
There is no possible reason for you to fear me when Love's your intent I can see it clearly Therefore you need not fear me.
In my loner state of mind!
by Luciano Fisher on Saturday, June 19, 2010 at 4:50pm
In my loner state of mind I find myself in thoughts, in places I'm not bound. I'm free to be myself without the consequence & although I imagine I am happy again for once....
When will freedom come?
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
When will freedom come? Freedom of choice that is not doubted by anyone? When will freewill rule? Freewill God gave all humanity as a whole????
If love be a sin!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
If love be a sin I am guilty on all accounts God knows my love in limitless amounts. Undoubted loving sacrifice. Without question of my health. I make love!
They equipt & defend me when I need defending.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Deep in my brain I have memories that keep me sain. They equipt & defend me when I need defending. Its my God given......
Like a neural thunderstorm!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Like a neural thunderstorm my brain ignites & process my loving taughts at a quantum level.
What have we done?
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Building your hopes up & braking them down. Creates fear of disappointment & then the outcome? Is trust in no one. What have we done?
Dear God can you help me?
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Dear God can you help me? I have a problem. Ive been misunderstood my entire life long. Misunderstood by my parents. Their constant worrying. Making it hard 4 me being the person who you know I am. I pray that you help me Dear God Amen!
As loud as a taught!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
As loud as a taught without speaking out. My written words are heard out loud as I pour out in words emotion inside on ink flow out.
Imagine me!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
I'm developing a liking in your personality & I see all the good it can do here in my reality. Imagine me!
I plant my poetic love seeds at the center of the universe!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
I plant my poetic love seeds at the center of the universe & verse for verse they enter into memories. To create a love cycle at the centre of the universe.
They say love conquers all!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
They say love conquers all so let it conquer the world & all behold the truth Ive told
Allow me to be myself!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Allow me to be myself & let them say what they may of a person like myself. A person who willingly naturally just love & displays actions of self sacrifice. There is no limit to such a person's love. Even in sin this person sins for love & except the consequence. This I know for this person is myself!
Let me live my entire life as nothing but myself!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Will you listen when I speak & respect my opinion. Will you stop making me do what you are thinking. Are you willing to allow me to be myself. Let me live my entire life as nothing but myself.
Deep in the dark!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Deep in the dark of my mind let there now be light & let the light chain react to other parts in dark. So that my love may shine o so ever bright. That there is no sight that can not see my love alight!
The memories in my brain.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
The memories in my brain are my testament of how my life was spent & my loving intent!
Shift my brain into a higher gear!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Shift my brain into a higher gear. So I can think a little faster with no more fear. Leaving pain in my rear bringing happiness near. Then I hit the unlimited nos button to collect my love who's here. There is no win or lose only love with no fear!
By the love breath in my lung.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
By the love breath in my lung. Fall apon my tongue. So I may speak loving words to who I come apon.
Every one's unique.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Every one's unique. So please listen when I speak. Take some time to think. While you listen as I speak. Then consider & respect it. Cause I know I'm unique & even tough you may not know it. This will be a good deed. Reason being this will give me self esteem I need!
Its murder on the self esteem.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Its murder on the self esteem when people wont allow you to go find who are you. Its killing your self confidence when people try to change you into who is not you. Its hard to keep the will to live when people judge & hurt you just for being you!
Dear personality oppressor:
by Luciano Fisher on Sunday, June 20, 2010 at 12:19am
Dear personality oppressor enjoy your time left. Sense here comes the beginning of your sickness's death. So light fast apon you no escape or defend, misleading or any time left. For you to use those sick taughts in your head. Such wrath befall you. Your spirit dies as it tries to desert you. Life ends within you all versions & copies, memories & images of you. Molecules, fibres, particles, energy making up the sickness that is you. Dissolves till there's no microscopic evidince in existence of the sickness that was you. You know what you've done explanation is useless. Proceed action of all the above! God forgive me. Amen!
I call to God, Humanity & The Devil to please help me out!
by Luciano Fisher on Sunday, June 20, 2010 at 5:07pm
Your suspicion is bullying the honesty out of me. Making me criminally contemplate things that sould have been easy. Be honest with yourself your unwilling to forgive all my past mistakes. Keeping me in one place by predicting the actions of past mistakes. Its like doing time for a crime you already did time for. Yet I always forgive & continue to love you. In hope you see & repent for the wrongs that you do. Heaven, earth & hell is my witness of the wrongs that you do. Is love such a sin that I deserve such judgement. I call to God, humanity & The Devil to please help me out. Perhaps there s reward in time that's owed. I'm starting to feel like death is better than living like this. Why do I deserve to live? I beg of you God please put your foot down on this. I can only lovingly exist!
Respect thy children's opinion!
by Luciano Fisher on Monday, June 21, 2010 at 1:44pm
Dear God I pray in need of your help in accordance of your commandment "Respect thy father & mother" witch I have no problem with. But as a child its hard to convince your parents of your wishes especially when it comes to disobedience. Not out of any ill will but of just wanting to live & be yourself. Therefore I come to you today dear Heavenly Father & ask of you to add to your commandment Respect thy children s opinion & give listen & consideration to them. Perhaps they pose as a problem who s roots lay in a lesion they bring to parenting. So I pray today on behalf of an entire generation that you add to your commandment Respect thy father & mother. Fathers & mothers there will be times you have to listen & be taught by your sons & daughters! This I pray cause I see that punishment isn't helping solving this problem in our reality. Witch also cause a distance between parents & children's relationships closeness. I love & I thank you. Amen! PS A good parent s not afraid to admit wrong to their children!
I pray you listen to reason!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 21, 2010
I pray you listen to reason in the difference on opinion. Seek to come to understanding of any opinion. Its a great self achievement in confession of a wrong decision. For it will improve the correctness of your decision making. Slip & stumble & fall into a path of improvement. All things considered.
So shall it be!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 21, 2010
Positivity without negativity cant create electricity. So I negatively inspire myself to positively crush my fear of self acceptance insecurity. To express myself so truthfully love feeds on my energy. As it changes the world's perception on reality. So shall it be!
Powerful commanding one line!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 21, 2010
Strengthen & awaken will to love from within!
Love & happiness due!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I was never any good at keeping curfew. So please change the rules I cant abide to, & save yourself from broken rules that disappoint you. Then to the worry deep inside you. A little less weight each time you change the rules to better suit me & you. Love & happiness due!
I'm a living being in need of hearing!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Transport blood to my brain with every issue, every poem that Ive ever written. Look it up on the Internet & expose it to everyone & everything. Cause I'm a living being in need of hearing!
Lets make life worth living!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Let us debate & invasion a better way of life. From the ways we are treated to improvements needed in our family house. Review my poems on the table & those yet to come. Of my point of view & those who relate to them. Lets make life worth living!
Dis guard manipulation & invoke the truth!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Dis guard manipulation & invoke the truth. So love is good. Then hunger for true love like its your most important food.
I can only be me!
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 10:48am
I cant continue to live my life mostly doing time. For disobedience you sentence me by taking away whats mine. Like my freedom or the things you gave to me. When you taught me you must not take back what you gave to me & I believed thee. Yet when I brake a rule or do something not up to your liking. You take your trust in me away from me. Then I gotta win it back by doing what you decide to punish me. I'm sorry but I no longer wanna live if this is how my life is gonna continue to be. I can only be me!
Allow me to be & see when you ain't making me I deserve to be free!
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 1:17pm
Accept it when I disagree. Don't try to force me, because sooner or later your force I will see & come to realise I did what you were making me. Don't make a puppet or a fool of me coz I will come to see. Let me be me not what you think I sould be in this reality. Your life ain't for me if you are making me. Allow me to be & see when you ain't making me I deserve to be free!
I'm a ever loving creature called human!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, June 23, 2010
My loving nature is immune to amnesia. I'm a ever loving creature called human.
To come to a solution at the root!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I took a little time reflecting & recollecting my life memories in my mind. To come to a solution at the root of my problems found. So I may feel alive & unbound.
Give me freedom of choice to make my own decision!
By Luciano Fisher · Thursday, June 24, 2010
You can try to explain. You can even complain. But the truth of the matter is its you to blame. It is you who wont except me for who I am. It is you who try to force me into your ways of living instead of giving me the freedom of choice to make my own decision.
It is time to murder the selfishness in you!
By Luciano Fisher · Thursday, June 24, 2010
No longer will I be bullied into things you want me to do. No more will I except when you make everything about you. So think of me & I will think of you. But it is time to murder the selfishness in you!
Ive been thinking for a while now!
By Luciano Fisher · Thursday, June 24, 2010
Ive been thinking for a while now about my life & of all the things needed for me to survive. Survival of my personality & all the ways I love. Is for you to understand me & allow me to live my life. Without correction or kept under hawk eyes & so on. I will gain more self respect & will to stay alive!
I know for a fact its true!
By Luciano Fisher · Thursday, June 24, 2010
My words absolutely have to be respected & they have to go through. For they are vital information from me to you & if all these words remind you of someone it applies to you too. Believe me there's allot of people that relate & feel the same way I know for a fact that's true!
Love is law in my book!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, June 25, 2010
Love is law in my book & it includes every picture that my mind took. Take a look & you'll find that its good.
The truth within my words!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, June 25, 2010
The truth within my words pierce the simple & the brightest mind. Then provide you emotion of the rarest kind. So you may think, feel & know what its like for what I feel inside.
Ive got my mind set on love!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, June 25, 2010
Ive got my mind set on love & improvement thereof. There is nothing in this world that can brake my focus on true love. I breath love, my blood flows with love. Love is what I dream of.
So that I can finally feel like I want to live!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, June 25, 2010
I throw away my fear & all the things keeping me from telling you what bothers me. So you may come to deeper understanding me. For you see its not easy for me to live misunderstood like this. That's why its so important for me to let you know who I as person is. So that I can finally feel like I want to live!
My spirit energy!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, June 25, 2010
My spirit energies embedded With a love so strong that you can physically feel the love you came apon!
What I need for me to brake these chains!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 26, 2010
Give me freedom of choice even if I make the same mistakes. There is reasons why I'm making it. I learn from it so have patience with how long it takes. Its what I need for me to brake these chains!
In the importance of getting myself known!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 26, 2010
Deep in the recess of my memory I find emotion Ive unknowingly been trying to hide & let it out in the importance of getting myself known. So I can lead a better life in this world I call home. Ive got opinion & a point of view of my own & I think its time for me to show it to you. However I have too. So those like me are set free around you!
We live to love nothing else meets our standards!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 26, 2010
The state & mindset that the world is in is not what I expected in my younger living. So let me say the world's not up to my standards. How can it be when it feels so heartless. Like no one understands you & your not a part of what the norm is. So lets make them see that we are living beings. We live to love nothing else meets our standards!
I discover the return of my knowing!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 26, 2010
I discover the return of my knowing. The ever present certioncy of who I am as a being. Now I enter in a state of mind that keeps me focused on my doing. As I develop an increase in the following of my writing & there is more & more support in me as a person. My words are electric ever ready in the knowing!
My energy goes nuclear with the power of love!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 26, 2010
I develop willingness to die to be understood & my self knowledge ex cells for the greater good. I process taughts in emotion & I know my heart. Where there's a dieing in my love I give it a jump start. My energy goes nuclear with the power of love. In all possible ways I distribute my love!
Love forever plays its part!
By Luciano Fisher · Sunday, June 27, 2010
Welcome to the Fisher Luciano verse where love rules, makes & brakes the rules. All in the name of love & happiness. Thus the love confess & posses the heart from the end to start. Love forever plays its part.
The action of this process is the love that I make!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 28, 2010
I activate my senses to transmit & pick up love signals on a spiritual wave length. My spiritual energy increases & its love prepared. So loving energies come closer & united I stand. The action of this process is the love that I make!
I become conscious of my will to love!
By Luciano Fisher · 18 seconds ago
I become conscious of my will to love & find strength & will power in my beating heart of love. My eyes go open with more ways to love. As I grow more trust in our God above. I become more blessed & more focused on love & place it above all & anything else. Therefore in all my doing what I make is love.
I attract love like I'm magnetised!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 28, 2010
I attract love like I'm magnetised & draw good towards me like its advertised. My inner being simply cannot hide all of the love that I have inside!
Unleash my full love, love who loves till death!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 28, 2010
Let loose my free spirit & my power to attract. Then serve in large dosis my emotional respect. To unleash my full love, love who loves till death.
My happiness unfold!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I refuse to be controlled coz love it need not be controlled. So my soul is wild & free with the love behold. As with every rhyme I wrote I come a little more closer to my soul mate to hold. My happiness unfold!
Let me be free!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I need to be set free, free to make my choices & mistakes things that make me, me. I need trust & belief in me. Trust to allow me be me & belief that its to the improvement & better of me. I need you to forgive me. Forgive me my mistakes & let me be free!
Is life not the gift that I got from you?
by Luciano Fisher on Tuesday, June 29, 2010 at 12:13pm
Respect my decision & accept my no don't bully me into a yes of my no. Coz this leaves a feeling that I made a decision you forced me into. This is not the life I want to live & choose too. This is the life that you force me into. Truth be told I dislike the things you force me into. Coz this don't feel like living it feels like I live to serve you. Is life not the gift that I got from you?
Making up & building the feeling of the love I am!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I know myself & I know who I am. Love is the primary function making up who I am & it also determines my actions & decisions in every situation. Making up & building the feeling of the love I am!
You gotta give me choice to be who I want too!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, June 30, 2010
You gotta stop telling me what I can & cant do. How will I know who I am when I'm not allowed too? So if you wanna make me more happy around you. You gotta give me choice to be who I want too.
I will reason with you make you understand!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Will you please stop making me feel like all I do is wrong? When all I'm really doing is being who I am. Please say yes & that you understand & let me be myself. I repeat again! I will reason with you make you understand!
This is what I need you to understand!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, July 1, 2010 at 10:29am
This is what I need you to understand. I need to be as free as I possibly can. Free to be myself, free to love someone else, free to make my choices, free to take advice, free disagree & deny your advice, free to say yes, free to say no, free to have my actions respected by you, free to speak my mind, free to be kind, free to do what I do & to do it be allowed, free to pour my heart out, free to pour it worldwide out loud, free to live for love, free to die for love, free to sacrifice. You need to understand I have to be myself.
Dear God!
By Luciano Fisher · Thursday, July 1, 2010
Dear God wont you please let there be love coz I don't want to live in a world so heartless Amen!
Let us enjoy life!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 2, 2010
Why is everyone nowadays so serious? What ever happened to joy, playfulness & happiness? Don't be dead like a stiff get lose & live for once. Man life ain't a job it was meant to live. Plus life is no fun when you make it so serious. Let us enjoy life!
Inject a thousand cc's love in me stat!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 2, 2010
Inject a thousand cc's love in me stat so that I can make love that will never end!
Daylight time for my mind & insight!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, July 3, 2010
I need a few things that I need to workout. Daylight time for my mind & insight. Express my words full exposed & in bright light. For my freedom to know my freewill insight.
Otherwise I'm war against your oppression.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, July 3, 2010
How hard is it to understand I will be who I am? & to be someone else I can not comprehend. So you sould make peace with the person I am. Otherwise I'm war against your oppression.
So it goes with the modern youth in the grown up world.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, July 3, 2010
Its a lonesome existence being misunderstood & the people wanna help you but the helps no good. Because the help that you need is to be understood. So it goes with the modern youth in the grown up world. So if we wanna be free we gotta make damn sure that we are understood. We got work!
Generating a message that has no denying!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, July 5, 2010
I release all restrictions on my writing outlet & begin to write with such truth that its shocking & almost frightening. Coz the truth in my words is like a strike of lightning. Generating a message that has no denying & the public access is the thunder warning.
Flash forward to the point of all my troubles dissolved...
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, July 5, 2010
I connect with precision to the love wave length. Tune my brain to pure perfection in my taughts process. Commit my focus to my problems solved & flash forward to the point of all my troubles dissolved....
Just letting you know!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, July 5, 2010
I don't think you love me when it feels like you love to lock me up. You sould stop. If you ever wanna change my mind on this the mind of my kind.
Soul connected to my neural link.
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, July 5, 2010
Soul connected to my neural link & heart beat process emotion communication every time that I breath, speak, sleep, write, feel or think. Creating a love making interlink.
Its a love plague and its blameless!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, July 7, 2010
My love is a sickness that is so contagious that its infected and spread from my published Internet poetry pages with no possible cure of the love that it is infecting in both worlds. Its a love plague and its blameless!
Dear God I pray you make this true!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Ive been in trouble so long that Ive gotten use to it. So I began to do my normal deeds like I'm gonna get in trouble for it. Like a sacrificial moment even in a good deed. But no more will I get in trouble for these things I do. When all I do is love you. Dear God I pray you make this true!
Our Heavenly Father
By Luciano Fisher · Thursday, July 8, 2010
Our Heavenly Father I call to you to make the dream & love in my words in reality true & give me freedom & inspiration with the words I will & still have to write too. Amen!
I start a chain reaction!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, July 8, 2010 at 3:15pm
I lose all control over love restriction & I start an epidemic with the love I'm making. My determination on a fairytale ending. Got my fear to love on an instant dieing. Now I love beyond comprehending with no need of trying. My love foundation is the origin of all creation. My virus & disease is love & I'm infecting everything. I start a chain reaction.
My love computes & it processes on neural roots!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, July 10, 2010
My love computes & it processes on neural roots. My brain matter's rules in every taughts I use. Toxic love roots & its never confused. Neither loosed or deviated in my sub & conscious. Ever active neural roots.
Love come here!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, July 12, 2010
I get an idea & it is total termination of my love fear. So that I can make, seek & see love clear. Then when it comes to love I have no possible conceivable fear. I love you wholeheartedly far & near & I will love with no fear. Love come here!
My word is written!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, July 12, 2010
Deep inside my love enters spread all over the premise. Seek & find your emotion. Give them life by loving. Then burn within the love that I have written & it comes alive among the living. My word is written!
System under love command!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Spark up let the process in my brain start. Run & mass produce all my love inside. System under love command. Body rise come alive as the loving kind. Heart beat pump my love in your veins as blood. Spirit welcome help me out. Angel testify all of this to God.
I speak to inner self with these words of love!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I speak to inner self with these words of love. So that just by reading them you've been touched by love. Then from within you display this touch of love & so it becomes a part of your life.
As I now breathe into you!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, July 14, 2010
My verse blood flow poetic info. Connect points make love & let it be so. Each verse poem body loving info. I publish you read make the love know. Electronic poem bodies come alive now. Seeds planted sprung roots shed your fruits now. I your writer & creator so commands you. Each loving poem body now become true. As I now breathe into you.
Giving birth to a lovestyle!
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 6:00pm
I conceive possibilities on ways to love in my brain & execute unhesitating love.My creative wordplay goes fatally fertile & fertilize your lifestyle.Giving birth to a lovestyle added to my fashion profile.Then let this immortal fad run wild among adult & child.My soul has a loving spirit energy & a heart of gold.That will emotionally change the mind of the world.Behold this already started at the first poem I wrote.My love in the system concurs, overthrows & overrules. My love works & in use in all love to do's.
Imaging a life of love...
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Inventing love error correcting as clear as the logic in a life perception. Inclining understanding on Love's full comprehension. Imaging a life of love making life worth living...
Refreshed & awakened my mindset on love!
By Luciano Fisher · Thursday, July 15, 2010
Refreshed & awakened my mindset on love. So now in every action I will make & do with love. Formulated & enabled to just be myself. With a greater willingness to take a chance on love. Equip with auto healing & forgiving when I hurt or disappoint myself. My goal & destination is to add more love to life.
Make a good decision in emotion & in taught!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 16, 2010
My heart send a message of emotion to my head. So I will process taughts that will consider what my heart said & make a good decision in emotion & in taught.
Love equality.
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 16, 2010
Let there be a massive increase in my energy. To empower transfer of my words like telephety. Occur in the other me, known as the better half of me, or gender opposite of me. To start a better understanding of me. Vice versa between you & me. Love equillity.
Luciano Fisher "Dear God I pray that you give humanity a great interest, attention & magnetism to these written words of mine. You know they are important to me & those like me. I pray you let them come read them & understand them. So that they may finally hear me & those like me. In the name of humanity I Luciano Fisher your image pray. Amen!"
Then you'll come to a level that love is understood & it will be good.
by Luciano Fisher on Friday, July 16, 2010 at 2:09pm
I submit love in the heart on immediate start & its a love that will never ever fall apart. You fall in & never out forever plays it part. This the love in connection with our loving God. Love will grow, you will know & it will start to show. As you begin to feel things that you never knew. Your ears will hear truth & your eyes see good. Then you'll come to a level that love is understood & it will be good.
Closer to our God's intent!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 16, 2010
I contemplate of the love I make & procreate deeper feeling in the love we made. To reinstate love as human instinct that we all must take & live our lives closer to our God's intent. This is time well spent.
My living flesh is love contaminated
by Luciano Fisher on Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 1:56pm
My born love disease matured in its written dormant state in the electric world & began to evolve by adapting to perfection att current habitat. A viral intelligence developed as it learned to travel over web traffic & my love bacteria began to communicate with each other & other electric bodies. Cross breeding by infecting all tipes of organisms caused it to solidify dominant rule as threatening as nuclear warfare but unnoticed like a molecule to human eye & multiplied spread into strike position like the earth is surrounded by sky. But now just before I trigger the attack. I release my secret & its I'm infected. My living flesh is contaminated & I remove the mind lock keeping it contained. By simply releasing this statement. I am God s image & by God within I speak in his voice & say I now blow a breath of life within all of these words that I have written you may live breathe in. Become alive in both worlds & infect the stars. Grow contagious written word come forth from your readers understanding & memories of you in their active & forgotten imaginations. Love disease infect by attack your life purpose is spread. You will soon hear the angels sing of a disease called love. You may think I imagine but once apon a time before the beginning God imagined us. PS activate my melody verse imagination so I may write creations & all ears will hear & listen. To my rhyming information sharing. (In the beginning there was the word) Behold my dreams, feelings, lies, emotions & all my creations come alive in worlds in all tipes of realms. Growing faith in all my body cells.
I will away my fear of speaking my mind.
by Luciano Fisher on Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 3:51pm
A life on earth surface can make you feel so worthless. When all the good you do is repay ed in heartaches. You hit your head & you learn but when you look again you find you hit your head in different situations. You seek & try to find your forgotten purpose broken spirit you begin to feel to stay alive is useless. Like your being abused to bend & forget who you as a person self is. I refuse to do this a life act as someone else is a lie of your existence. Ive been in trouble, hit my head even wished I'm dead but I have never given up & pretend to make my bed. You see Id rather be in trouble for just being myself. Then act & play on your emotions to abuse your kindness. I I pray that you will never do this & if a wish will help I wish away your opportunity to do this. I am a male but my other self is a female. You are too good & wonderful you deserve attention. Don't neglect to mention a disliking expect & tell the other party to do the same thing. Gain & keep an understanding. This will promote & turn into much deeper relation. I will away my fear of speaking my mind.
So that I may treat you equal to myself as living being.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, July 17, 2010
I commend my hearing pay attention when I listen & before I make decision I will take emotion, feeling, situation & position under my consideration in relation to the living & remember we are human. So that I may treat you equal to myself as living being.
O God give me will to will away oppression of me!
by Luciano Fisher on Monday, July 19, 2010 at 1:52pm
I grow immune to your manipulation & bless myself with an intuition. That I program as defence against your playing my emotion. This will trigger outside help & protection of all my emotion. So you cant force or trick me into doing your bidding. You cant make me guilty when I intend no wrong. Burn into all eyesight sight to see how you oppress me by making me feel guilty. Thus you took away the freewill God gave me & you gave me only one choice if I want to be free is to do what you tell me. You made a slave & a puppet of me. Therefore dear God I pray you allow The Devil to take away all oppression of me in the sins I cant see. O God give me will to will away oppression of me. To the eyes of God look & see oppression is not good. Amen!
My word travel on a brainwave till all & God hear me!!!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I release all control restrictions on my feeling emotion & it starts to travel through the bloodstream my word in the system. They are all true & if not they deserve to be & my dreams become reality. Now my word travel on a brainwave till all & God hear me.
Growing trees from this!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I wrote all my poems on the earth's surface. Growing trees from this. Dear God when you look down from heaven you can see & read this. Don't wait until I pass on before you make a will of this. My poems already is. Now let it live.
My untwistable word!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, July 21, 2010
FAT Each & every word that I ever wrote got a meaning in a message in em you cant twist the truth & if you ever try to twist it. My eyes will see it & my ears will hear it. Then my brain will know it & my heart will feel it. My untwistable word. FATE
Make me feel I belong.
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 23, 2010
I need you to hear & listen to me & admit it when your wrong. To make me feel I belong.
Activate my brain...
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 23, 2010
Activate my brain to consider within. Then create a communication link between my thinking & feeling & make them bring forth an emotional thinking. So that I may show love, care & consideration in the thoughts I'm thinking.
I erase my fear to express my truth.
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 23, 2010
I erase my fear to express my truth & all things keeping me from exposing my hurt. To explain in creative detail what it is that makes me feel like dirt.
In my each rhyming sentence is my freedom's ammo!
by Luciano Fisher on Friday, July 23, 2010 at 6:07pm
I eliminate my suppression & engage attention. As I release thoughts I'm thinking during my conviction. In the hope of ligther sentencing & better correction. Because in current sentence I feel human oppression. In the outside world under household correction. So in my each rhyming sentence is my freedom s ammo. In which I express & explain myself to my living fellow. So label every poem as my trial defence against my next offence & as current late evidence. Hearing!
System update the human understanding!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, July 24, 2010
Synchronize the human conscious with the words that Ive written. Then give my heart a hearing on their emotion. Random access memory give them listen. Therefore system update the human understanding. My word priority is high in the conscious of the living & every being. Make them listen to them!
Relationship recover!
by Luciano Fisher on Saturday, July 24, 2010 at 10:18am
Let us increase & strengthen understanding between parent child relation. So that growing older doesn't push us to abandon & we become inviting to give reasoning between opinion. Desist to push your parent adulthood like a law. Don't be so uptight hear & listen to make your children feel comfortable & unafraid to open up towards ya. Therefore your relationship recover!
Amplify the silent voice!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, July 24, 2010
Send the frequency of my word to the human ear & be heard. Amplify the silent voice to the point that all behold. I'm not happy with my treatment by the world. LEAK!
Love intent...
by Luciano Fisher on Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 2:40pm
I sentence myself to a life of love & will serve the sentence as a freeman in the world we live. I judge & punish in accordance of my love & I will receive fair & loving treatment in this sentence I serve. I attract global attention towards my understanding & disable myself judgement. Love intent...
Streamline my word!
By Luciano Fisher · Sunday, July 25, 2010
A brainstorm in my head about the love I make. Take my train of thought to a state of love create. My written word burn into memory & command attention & respect & dispel neglect. Read & process my every poem's content. Streamline my word!
Receiver human body & energy!
by Luciano Fisher on Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 6:49pm
My word is in the air your inhale my care & become intoxicated by the love I write & share. Each poetic body sprung roots in the brain & began to grow. As a permanent legal lovehigh now begins to show. By the words I wrote & release up in the air all around you. Via mediums of modern radiowaves, electronic signal, brainwaves & mobility. My invention of reception of my word in reality. Receiver human body & energy!
Calling love to life!
By Luciano Fisher · Sunday, July 25, 2010
Open the door to my love & invoke your trust in my knowing & my being is a total must. Calling love to life!
Its an unchangeable fact that I trust in love!
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 11:08am
My love & emotion is beyond control. It is the very essence of the spirit of my soul. So in my every action I take or decision I make my love & emotion's ever present in what I do or make one. Its a part of how I function & if I'm not thinking I act on emotion. Its a big part of my actions motivation & the love I'm making. Love is the energy behind every breath I'm taking. I purposefully love just because I love to love. It an unchangeable fact that I trust in love!
Static & airborne
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 1:16pm
I send my love signal up inside your mainframe. Cause a chemical release deep inside your brain. That has an chemical effect on your hormonal function. Provoke body cells to produce emotion. Emotionally linking to your nervous system. Starting sending nerve signals to your brain of emotional feeling. Mind goes blank with unknowing & within that time frame... I plant the love seed in the blank. Signaling the root growth of a neural conscious love link. So begins the love sickness transmittance & influence in the way you think. Infecting spreading from & internally within the body. Love now become an airborne virus attack on life & lifeless with incurable love sickness. Static & airborne!
My writing takes effect on realities fabric!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, July 28, 2010
My writing takes effect on realities fabric & the love & emotion it contains come alive like magic. As the message it sends or demands is followed to the letter & spiritually executed. Regardless of the realm, platform, dimension, book, universe or page I write & display my writing on. Each read & exposure of my poems is love made & realised.
Sometimes dreams!
by Luciano Fisher on Sunday, August 1, 2010 at 1:52pm
Sometimes dreams Is your feeling & emotion needs. Such a deepness that its calling me a gift of love. Without physical touch & it feels like you are making love. I know you love me so I make love to you. That I deepen your pleasure & increase emotion. Write you what I feel, is, creating & ways that I am. Growing your knowledge of me in understanding. Give yourself a feminine relation of my male emotion. Sometimes dreams what the spirit needs!
My declaration of truth!
by Luciano Fisher on Monday, August 2, 2010 at 1:20am
Our Heavenly Father I do not think, feel or is enable to fit into this world & I base this on punishment as evidence of my own natural life long actions. My happiness only last in short cycles. Then when I'm at my confidence I somehow have to return to my prison that is called a house but a house is good just not for me. So God look in the life memory & see it as a testimony of my life that I will to you as God to not allow birth into such a life. Yet birth is not the problem. I have made peace with me as Luciano Fisher to cease to exist. I have tried my whole life long so I ask of you God take me out of this world as being as a whole. All I do is feel dead. God am I the Devil I don't understand or can learn to I tried. Therefore I don't want to or don't belong in your creation. Amen! My declaration of truth!
Come alive inside we are almost extinct!
by Luciano Fisher on Saturday, August 7, 2010 at 9:20pm
My head is sealed up waterproof & airtight. With bulletproof windows better known as eyesight. My soul fill my body up & never step outside. I cannot be possessed soul only out when body died. In the darkness of my mind my loving spirit is a light. Shine like a star in darkness memory of mind. So my brains first thought my loving spirit process thought. Resulting in a love conscious as instinctive & important as the bodies need for blood. Producing personality ever hungry love entrust. Therefore just by living love became a must. A basic need for companionship do testify love as command. Love gave life to human without love humanity died. Come alive inside we are almost extinct!
Luciano Fisher Jou kak gedagtes wat jy sue wegstiek. Sal ek uit gaan haal en jou stilte bek briek. Ek is doofstom se maker. My dowe stem staan nader en hies jy nou. My gehoor is oor hys getoor vermoor. Nou hoor ek in my lings en regs. Fuilgat en sleg stuur ek onfrugbaar weg. Rape is verlief op my en ek is ooral oorvol.
Luciano Fisher Vileef sukkel vi liefde wereld vugiet my saat is bestaans en alleen ieniek. Ek maak vrek die iedee wat jy kry op moerstrip en leewe in depressie om te sien wat briek. Ek het jou sex lus vegiet in die geboorte van gedagte wanek moet werklik liefhet. Jy was gewaarskue slattie tellie hie kom ek. Uit die begin van tyd se v...erleede yt. Op n golf van my kopskeedel se vrugbaarhyt. Jys n teef in my maniekie wereld!
Luciano Fisher Whaas jou liggie nou bring hom he kom nader. Jy sittie vihom affie laat ek hom benader. Soe vegaan ek innie ruimte en ek maak planeet.... Ek val venou trug na enels
Rules sould not be more important than a person's lifetime!
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at 7:31pm
This is how its been for me in family house.
Ever since the day I started on my social life.
My parents would allow to go out but under rules & terms.
Then under house arrest when I broke the rules.
So I've spent most my life under house arrest.
Except for the time of my relationship.
I could come & go cause I had a girlfriend.
But now in single life all they see is wrong.
Like they do'nt care what I do right all they see is wrong.
Then they blame it on addiction but those days are gone.
Coz the reason of my use is to sometimes past the time & at times simply having fun.
But that is a problem cause I live in such a time.
So I'm not allowed have a life because of difference of theirs & mine.
Now I think they keep me down by not allowing me to overcome & these things take time.
Yet most of my time I'm under household correction.
How will I find what I'm seeking when I'm not allowed to decide & have experiance on life's temtations.
Why can't I have fun until the time comes for me to settle down?
Rules sould not be more important than a person's lifetime!
Its a problem...
We are not born to live to settle down!
Eventually we all will but you souldsould support the freedom & allow those without responsibilities to live & spend their time as they choose.
Insted of forcing them into a premature decision on a responsible way of living.
Consider your actions as parents they could be the reason of the reaction of young parents.
So that they may gain respect & support in their own decisions.
Consider your actions!
Luciano Fisher
They do'nt listen to me they believe themself.
They decide beforehand about my problems in life.
They do'nt consider my opinion they believe their toughts.
Even if their toughts are wrong they wanna make it laws.
How can you be so deep in yourself that you can't hear nobody else?
This is the problem with our parents
Set better examples!
by Luciano Fisher on Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at 5:27pm
You play my emotion & you make me feel bad & if you don't get your way you make me look bad.
Your suppose to be a parent but your playing mind games.
My definition of smart is not based on fooling others by playing mind games.
Set better examples & be better parents.
My eyes are focused on love intentions!
I will love apon my better half that has no end & I will always understand.
I feel so ashamed when you compare my emotion to property by trying to hurt me by braking or taking my things. How can a object be used in the same sense as my living being immortal love for you? Don't you know emotion are my only valuable riches in this world?
Like the spirit over waters.
My spirit's contained & travel on the pages of my words!
May all eyes see how & what I mean with the words on containing pages.
May all understand the meaning & the message of my every verse/poem.
May the truth or dream in my words make you proud to speak of them.
Let all ears hear & listen to my written word as silent voice.
Till I no longer could keep it in & began to wrote it out!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 2:39pm
Keeping to myself with all the pain in life.
Made me drew into myself & hurt my emotional health.
Plus my need to stay strong broke my emotional wealth.
Then the pain got too much & it drowned myself.
Till I no longer could keep it in & began to write it out.....
I shoot love in & love comes alive with the love I'm making!
Its the only way I will ever see the world as real!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 2:46pm
I see you got an issue an addiction that I call control & now I don't feel alive like the dead's my will.
You gotta let me live by giving love control.
Its the only way I will ever see the world as real.
You sould have known I work for love now my money addiction's dead!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 3:12pm
I am beyond your help.
Coz love does'nt need your help.
Coz when you took my word you wanted to take my power.
Then denied me life to make a slave of power.
So my heart goes on & my mind goes off.
Now you hate & haat when you see you don't love.
Yet still I'm alive & all I do is love.
So take your suffer away because it does not love you.
When love don't exist there is no high or low.
Animal & wild thus alive in defence of love.
I am Adam & Eve's body born as one.
God within & the Devil is beyond control.
You only make him hate the living when you call human a product.
Angel of death/Ripperman deny the dead.
So all empty war making bodies drop dead & no energy left to use.
Coz love in itself is a energy feed.
You make ash of it.
Saying love do not exist.
Displaying you love money more than you love,love.
Now dead come & take dead & sex is imputent until true love exist.
As ruler of all plan & intent,copy & communication dominate.
You will let love live in trust & if it does'nt work out you made a game of it.
Then your jealousy is dead & all end to exist.
You souled have known I work love now my money addiction's dead.
Love in my head...
It broke my heart but I love her anyway
By Luciano Fisher
I was on top of my game.I was a playboy king.
The women and the booze was the game I'm in.
My heart was like a stone letting no one in.
But then i met her at a party much to my surprise.
I could'nt say a word as i looked in her eyes.
As our eye contact made a silent wish.
Then it began we had our first kiss.
I was head over heels swept off my feet
and for the first time ever i could feel complete.
The days went past phone calls for hours.
We phoned everyday and we talked 2 hours.
And it was so cool if the phone would die.
One of us would call back to say
"Ba Baai."
At the end of the month i was free of doubt.
So i made a wise move and i asked her out.
We were wild and free and i had you with me.
With a smile on my face for the world to see.
You were more than a lover.
You were my best friend.
You saw the real me not the make pretend.
I could look at you for hours without saying
a word...
And it would be perfect feeling free as a bird.
And when your time of the month begin.
I would ask God the pain hope you don't feel a thing.
We got to a level that we became one....
And in your eyes i could see my son.
Then the bad news came
That we would move away.
It hit me like a bus driving on a highway.
Yet we stayed together phoning everyday.
But it grew a little less with each passing day.
Then she said the words i never taught she'd say...
I felt a part of me die that day.
It broke my heart but i love her anyway.
by Luciano Fisher
Love is immortal will you may call my heart & my blood knows the way of a loving taught. So there's blood memory of love the brain forgot. This ensures that the will of my heart won't stop. Living on in my spirit like our loving GOD. Pumping life in my veins by the beat of my heart. Giving birth to love making in the in the people I've touched. Love in the form of emotional growth. My emotion embodied in the poems I've wrote. On a public platform communicate across the globe & in time they come alive all around the world. Immortal will realised by the love my poems hold.
As I sit & think!
by Luciano Fisher on Monday, June 14, 2010 at 8:54am
As I sit & think about the life I lived of every past mistake & every struggle faced. I contemplate of a way I do not feel alone & I am better understood in my family home. So they may know & except me for the way I am & we no longer fuss & fight about the way I am. Please understand I make love in almost everything
Energy by my life flow!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 14, 2010
I feel a pulse let the blood flow! Heart beat pump my love in the veins full. Nerve endings feel & start the Eco. So now you feel & you know. Spirit go make it so! Energy by my life flow!
Love conceived!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 14, 2010
Lend me your ears so I can speak! Come a little closer so my word's heard & received. Listen in emotion so its felt & believed. Then to your understanding that its love conceived!
I need you to believe in me & know me well enough to trust me!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I need you to believe in me & know me well enough to trust me & even when I take a risk I need you to allow me. I need you to love me, love me in a way you will allow me to be me. This is a part of what makes me feel free. God knows I long to be free!
Wake up dear love!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wake up dear love! Arise from your slumber. There is a great need for love they hunger. Can you hear my heart calling for love I suffer? Wake up dear love! My love is calling ya!
I deliver revelation!
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 4:48pm
I deliver revelation, Of love creation, As an occupation, Global motivation, Universal blessing, Of my love confessing, So my love may come to every understanding. I'm a loving being, You can feel the real thing, There is no defending, When its love connecting, So I will you no doubt in love understanding. Believe its true! That when it comes to love I tell no lies to you. So now I'm telling you. That I do love you!
A rush of blood brings oxygen to my head!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A rush of blood brings oxygen to my head & I begin to think more clearer than Ive ever had. I understand more deeply & imagine possibility. Then gain more determination to create love within me. I then begin to see in feeling & understand my personality.
Program love as a function!
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 5:58pm
Program love as a function making hate unwelcome. So the jealousy wont come & the trust is welcome. Then our happiness be done. Everyone is a loved one. Let us help one another. With care for each other & see how special difference is to each other. Command love from another! Everyone is equal. Make oppression illegal & we see every one's love become so damn real. That everyone in the world will have love they can feel.
Love as an instinct!
by Luciano Fisher on Friday, June 18, 2010 at 11:53pm
I speak in faith like the universe. My writing speak. Born faith in God so its never weak. Love as an instinct. Care no need to think. Coz when it comes to my love there is no delete. My love within ever present, ever dominant. Any obstacle my love will conquer it. Love has no defeat, impossible to beat. Coz everything in existence fuck in came from it.
Love comes alive!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, June 18, 2010
A breath of love, fill your lungs, love comes alive, open your eyes, see I'm love & I am still alive.
With the earth as a platform!
by Luciano Fisher on Saturday, June 19, 2010 at 11:09am
With the earth as a platform. I'm aiming above norm. To change my reality into a better one. To love more freely & express more clearly. Without insecurity in being just me. No holding back my personality. Therefore I'm always living ever truthfully. If I have a hidden motive it is loving truly. Love is my riches & of greatest value. Just like a slave I will work on loving you & always improve in the ways I love you!
You need not fear me!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
There is no possible reason for you to fear me when Love's your intent I can see it clearly Therefore you need not fear me.
In my loner state of mind!
by Luciano Fisher on Saturday, June 19, 2010 at 4:50pm
In my loner state of mind I find myself in thoughts, in places I'm not bound. I'm free to be myself without the consequence & although I imagine I am happy again for once....
When will freedom come?
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
When will freedom come? Freedom of choice that is not doubted by anyone? When will freewill rule? Freewill God gave all humanity as a whole????
If love be a sin!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
If love be a sin I am guilty on all accounts God knows my love in limitless amounts. Undoubted loving sacrifice. Without question of my health. I make love!
They equipt & defend me when I need defending.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Deep in my brain I have memories that keep me sain. They equipt & defend me when I need defending. Its my God given......
Like a neural thunderstorm!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Like a neural thunderstorm my brain ignites & process my loving taughts at a quantum level.
What have we done?
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Building your hopes up & braking them down. Creates fear of disappointment & then the outcome? Is trust in no one. What have we done?
Dear God can you help me?
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Dear God can you help me? I have a problem. Ive been misunderstood my entire life long. Misunderstood by my parents. Their constant worrying. Making it hard 4 me being the person who you know I am. I pray that you help me Dear God Amen!
As loud as a taught!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
As loud as a taught without speaking out. My written words are heard out loud as I pour out in words emotion inside on ink flow out.
Imagine me!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
I'm developing a liking in your personality & I see all the good it can do here in my reality. Imagine me!
I plant my poetic love seeds at the center of the universe!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
I plant my poetic love seeds at the center of the universe & verse for verse they enter into memories. To create a love cycle at the centre of the universe.
They say love conquers all!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
They say love conquers all so let it conquer the world & all behold the truth Ive told
Allow me to be myself!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Allow me to be myself & let them say what they may of a person like myself. A person who willingly naturally just love & displays actions of self sacrifice. There is no limit to such a person's love. Even in sin this person sins for love & except the consequence. This I know for this person is myself!
Let me live my entire life as nothing but myself!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Will you listen when I speak & respect my opinion. Will you stop making me do what you are thinking. Are you willing to allow me to be myself. Let me live my entire life as nothing but myself.
Deep in the dark!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Deep in the dark of my mind let there now be light & let the light chain react to other parts in dark. So that my love may shine o so ever bright. That there is no sight that can not see my love alight!
The memories in my brain.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
The memories in my brain are my testament of how my life was spent & my loving intent!
Shift my brain into a higher gear!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Shift my brain into a higher gear. So I can think a little faster with no more fear. Leaving pain in my rear bringing happiness near. Then I hit the unlimited nos button to collect my love who's here. There is no win or lose only love with no fear!
By the love breath in my lung.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
By the love breath in my lung. Fall apon my tongue. So I may speak loving words to who I come apon.
Every one's unique.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Every one's unique. So please listen when I speak. Take some time to think. While you listen as I speak. Then consider & respect it. Cause I know I'm unique & even tough you may not know it. This will be a good deed. Reason being this will give me self esteem I need!
Its murder on the self esteem.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 19, 2010
Its murder on the self esteem when people wont allow you to go find who are you. Its killing your self confidence when people try to change you into who is not you. Its hard to keep the will to live when people judge & hurt you just for being you!
Dear personality oppressor:
by Luciano Fisher on Sunday, June 20, 2010 at 12:19am
Dear personality oppressor enjoy your time left. Sense here comes the beginning of your sickness's death. So light fast apon you no escape or defend, misleading or any time left. For you to use those sick taughts in your head. Such wrath befall you. Your spirit dies as it tries to desert you. Life ends within you all versions & copies, memories & images of you. Molecules, fibres, particles, energy making up the sickness that is you. Dissolves till there's no microscopic evidince in existence of the sickness that was you. You know what you've done explanation is useless. Proceed action of all the above! God forgive me. Amen!
I call to God, Humanity & The Devil to please help me out!
by Luciano Fisher on Sunday, June 20, 2010 at 5:07pm
Your suspicion is bullying the honesty out of me. Making me criminally contemplate things that sould have been easy. Be honest with yourself your unwilling to forgive all my past mistakes. Keeping me in one place by predicting the actions of past mistakes. Its like doing time for a crime you already did time for. Yet I always forgive & continue to love you. In hope you see & repent for the wrongs that you do. Heaven, earth & hell is my witness of the wrongs that you do. Is love such a sin that I deserve such judgement. I call to God, humanity & The Devil to please help me out. Perhaps there s reward in time that's owed. I'm starting to feel like death is better than living like this. Why do I deserve to live? I beg of you God please put your foot down on this. I can only lovingly exist!
Respect thy children's opinion!
by Luciano Fisher on Monday, June 21, 2010 at 1:44pm
Dear God I pray in need of your help in accordance of your commandment "Respect thy father & mother" witch I have no problem with. But as a child its hard to convince your parents of your wishes especially when it comes to disobedience. Not out of any ill will but of just wanting to live & be yourself. Therefore I come to you today dear Heavenly Father & ask of you to add to your commandment Respect thy children s opinion & give listen & consideration to them. Perhaps they pose as a problem who s roots lay in a lesion they bring to parenting. So I pray today on behalf of an entire generation that you add to your commandment Respect thy father & mother. Fathers & mothers there will be times you have to listen & be taught by your sons & daughters! This I pray cause I see that punishment isn't helping solving this problem in our reality. Witch also cause a distance between parents & children's relationships closeness. I love & I thank you. Amen! PS A good parent s not afraid to admit wrong to their children!
I pray you listen to reason!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 21, 2010
I pray you listen to reason in the difference on opinion. Seek to come to understanding of any opinion. Its a great self achievement in confession of a wrong decision. For it will improve the correctness of your decision making. Slip & stumble & fall into a path of improvement. All things considered.
So shall it be!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 21, 2010
Positivity without negativity cant create electricity. So I negatively inspire myself to positively crush my fear of self acceptance insecurity. To express myself so truthfully love feeds on my energy. As it changes the world's perception on reality. So shall it be!
Powerful commanding one line!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 21, 2010
Strengthen & awaken will to love from within!
Love & happiness due!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I was never any good at keeping curfew. So please change the rules I cant abide to, & save yourself from broken rules that disappoint you. Then to the worry deep inside you. A little less weight each time you change the rules to better suit me & you. Love & happiness due!
I'm a living being in need of hearing!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Transport blood to my brain with every issue, every poem that Ive ever written. Look it up on the Internet & expose it to everyone & everything. Cause I'm a living being in need of hearing!
Lets make life worth living!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Let us debate & invasion a better way of life. From the ways we are treated to improvements needed in our family house. Review my poems on the table & those yet to come. Of my point of view & those who relate to them. Lets make life worth living!
Dis guard manipulation & invoke the truth!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Dis guard manipulation & invoke the truth. So love is good. Then hunger for true love like its your most important food.
I can only be me!
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 10:48am
I cant continue to live my life mostly doing time. For disobedience you sentence me by taking away whats mine. Like my freedom or the things you gave to me. When you taught me you must not take back what you gave to me & I believed thee. Yet when I brake a rule or do something not up to your liking. You take your trust in me away from me. Then I gotta win it back by doing what you decide to punish me. I'm sorry but I no longer wanna live if this is how my life is gonna continue to be. I can only be me!
Allow me to be & see when you ain't making me I deserve to be free!
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 1:17pm
Accept it when I disagree. Don't try to force me, because sooner or later your force I will see & come to realise I did what you were making me. Don't make a puppet or a fool of me coz I will come to see. Let me be me not what you think I sould be in this reality. Your life ain't for me if you are making me. Allow me to be & see when you ain't making me I deserve to be free!
I'm a ever loving creature called human!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, June 23, 2010
My loving nature is immune to amnesia. I'm a ever loving creature called human.
To come to a solution at the root!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I took a little time reflecting & recollecting my life memories in my mind. To come to a solution at the root of my problems found. So I may feel alive & unbound.
Give me freedom of choice to make my own decision!
By Luciano Fisher · Thursday, June 24, 2010
You can try to explain. You can even complain. But the truth of the matter is its you to blame. It is you who wont except me for who I am. It is you who try to force me into your ways of living instead of giving me the freedom of choice to make my own decision.
It is time to murder the selfishness in you!
By Luciano Fisher · Thursday, June 24, 2010
No longer will I be bullied into things you want me to do. No more will I except when you make everything about you. So think of me & I will think of you. But it is time to murder the selfishness in you!
Ive been thinking for a while now!
By Luciano Fisher · Thursday, June 24, 2010
Ive been thinking for a while now about my life & of all the things needed for me to survive. Survival of my personality & all the ways I love. Is for you to understand me & allow me to live my life. Without correction or kept under hawk eyes & so on. I will gain more self respect & will to stay alive!
I know for a fact its true!
By Luciano Fisher · Thursday, June 24, 2010
My words absolutely have to be respected & they have to go through. For they are vital information from me to you & if all these words remind you of someone it applies to you too. Believe me there's allot of people that relate & feel the same way I know for a fact that's true!
Love is law in my book!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, June 25, 2010
Love is law in my book & it includes every picture that my mind took. Take a look & you'll find that its good.
The truth within my words!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, June 25, 2010
The truth within my words pierce the simple & the brightest mind. Then provide you emotion of the rarest kind. So you may think, feel & know what its like for what I feel inside.
Ive got my mind set on love!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, June 25, 2010
Ive got my mind set on love & improvement thereof. There is nothing in this world that can brake my focus on true love. I breath love, my blood flows with love. Love is what I dream of.
So that I can finally feel like I want to live!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, June 25, 2010
I throw away my fear & all the things keeping me from telling you what bothers me. So you may come to deeper understanding me. For you see its not easy for me to live misunderstood like this. That's why its so important for me to let you know who I as person is. So that I can finally feel like I want to live!
My spirit energy!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, June 25, 2010
My spirit energies embedded With a love so strong that you can physically feel the love you came apon!
What I need for me to brake these chains!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 26, 2010
Give me freedom of choice even if I make the same mistakes. There is reasons why I'm making it. I learn from it so have patience with how long it takes. Its what I need for me to brake these chains!
In the importance of getting myself known!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 26, 2010
Deep in the recess of my memory I find emotion Ive unknowingly been trying to hide & let it out in the importance of getting myself known. So I can lead a better life in this world I call home. Ive got opinion & a point of view of my own & I think its time for me to show it to you. However I have too. So those like me are set free around you!
We live to love nothing else meets our standards!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 26, 2010
The state & mindset that the world is in is not what I expected in my younger living. So let me say the world's not up to my standards. How can it be when it feels so heartless. Like no one understands you & your not a part of what the norm is. So lets make them see that we are living beings. We live to love nothing else meets our standards!
I discover the return of my knowing!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 26, 2010
I discover the return of my knowing. The ever present certioncy of who I am as a being. Now I enter in a state of mind that keeps me focused on my doing. As I develop an increase in the following of my writing & there is more & more support in me as a person. My words are electric ever ready in the knowing!
My energy goes nuclear with the power of love!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, June 26, 2010
I develop willingness to die to be understood & my self knowledge ex cells for the greater good. I process taughts in emotion & I know my heart. Where there's a dieing in my love I give it a jump start. My energy goes nuclear with the power of love. In all possible ways I distribute my love!
Love forever plays its part!
By Luciano Fisher · Sunday, June 27, 2010
Welcome to the Fisher Luciano verse where love rules, makes & brakes the rules. All in the name of love & happiness. Thus the love confess & posses the heart from the end to start. Love forever plays its part.
The action of this process is the love that I make!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 28, 2010
I activate my senses to transmit & pick up love signals on a spiritual wave length. My spiritual energy increases & its love prepared. So loving energies come closer & united I stand. The action of this process is the love that I make!
I become conscious of my will to love!
By Luciano Fisher · 18 seconds ago
I become conscious of my will to love & find strength & will power in my beating heart of love. My eyes go open with more ways to love. As I grow more trust in our God above. I become more blessed & more focused on love & place it above all & anything else. Therefore in all my doing what I make is love.
I attract love like I'm magnetised!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 28, 2010
I attract love like I'm magnetised & draw good towards me like its advertised. My inner being simply cannot hide all of the love that I have inside!
Unleash my full love, love who loves till death!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, June 28, 2010
Let loose my free spirit & my power to attract. Then serve in large dosis my emotional respect. To unleash my full love, love who loves till death.
My happiness unfold!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I refuse to be controlled coz love it need not be controlled. So my soul is wild & free with the love behold. As with every rhyme I wrote I come a little more closer to my soul mate to hold. My happiness unfold!
Let me be free!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I need to be set free, free to make my choices & mistakes things that make me, me. I need trust & belief in me. Trust to allow me be me & belief that its to the improvement & better of me. I need you to forgive me. Forgive me my mistakes & let me be free!
Is life not the gift that I got from you?
by Luciano Fisher on Tuesday, June 29, 2010 at 12:13pm
Respect my decision & accept my no don't bully me into a yes of my no. Coz this leaves a feeling that I made a decision you forced me into. This is not the life I want to live & choose too. This is the life that you force me into. Truth be told I dislike the things you force me into. Coz this don't feel like living it feels like I live to serve you. Is life not the gift that I got from you?
Making up & building the feeling of the love I am!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I know myself & I know who I am. Love is the primary function making up who I am & it also determines my actions & decisions in every situation. Making up & building the feeling of the love I am!
You gotta give me choice to be who I want too!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, June 30, 2010
You gotta stop telling me what I can & cant do. How will I know who I am when I'm not allowed too? So if you wanna make me more happy around you. You gotta give me choice to be who I want too.
I will reason with you make you understand!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Will you please stop making me feel like all I do is wrong? When all I'm really doing is being who I am. Please say yes & that you understand & let me be myself. I repeat again! I will reason with you make you understand!
This is what I need you to understand!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, July 1, 2010 at 10:29am
This is what I need you to understand. I need to be as free as I possibly can. Free to be myself, free to love someone else, free to make my choices, free to take advice, free disagree & deny your advice, free to say yes, free to say no, free to have my actions respected by you, free to speak my mind, free to be kind, free to do what I do & to do it be allowed, free to pour my heart out, free to pour it worldwide out loud, free to live for love, free to die for love, free to sacrifice. You need to understand I have to be myself.
Dear God!
By Luciano Fisher · Thursday, July 1, 2010
Dear God wont you please let there be love coz I don't want to live in a world so heartless Amen!
Let us enjoy life!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 2, 2010
Why is everyone nowadays so serious? What ever happened to joy, playfulness & happiness? Don't be dead like a stiff get lose & live for once. Man life ain't a job it was meant to live. Plus life is no fun when you make it so serious. Let us enjoy life!
Inject a thousand cc's love in me stat!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 2, 2010
Inject a thousand cc's love in me stat so that I can make love that will never end!
Daylight time for my mind & insight!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, July 3, 2010
I need a few things that I need to workout. Daylight time for my mind & insight. Express my words full exposed & in bright light. For my freedom to know my freewill insight.
Otherwise I'm war against your oppression.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, July 3, 2010
How hard is it to understand I will be who I am? & to be someone else I can not comprehend. So you sould make peace with the person I am. Otherwise I'm war against your oppression.
So it goes with the modern youth in the grown up world.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, July 3, 2010
Its a lonesome existence being misunderstood & the people wanna help you but the helps no good. Because the help that you need is to be understood. So it goes with the modern youth in the grown up world. So if we wanna be free we gotta make damn sure that we are understood. We got work!
Generating a message that has no denying!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, July 5, 2010
I release all restrictions on my writing outlet & begin to write with such truth that its shocking & almost frightening. Coz the truth in my words is like a strike of lightning. Generating a message that has no denying & the public access is the thunder warning.
Flash forward to the point of all my troubles dissolved...
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, July 5, 2010
I connect with precision to the love wave length. Tune my brain to pure perfection in my taughts process. Commit my focus to my problems solved & flash forward to the point of all my troubles dissolved....
Just letting you know!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, July 5, 2010
I don't think you love me when it feels like you love to lock me up. You sould stop. If you ever wanna change my mind on this the mind of my kind.
Soul connected to my neural link.
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, July 5, 2010
Soul connected to my neural link & heart beat process emotion communication every time that I breath, speak, sleep, write, feel or think. Creating a love making interlink.
Its a love plague and its blameless!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, July 7, 2010
My love is a sickness that is so contagious that its infected and spread from my published Internet poetry pages with no possible cure of the love that it is infecting in both worlds. Its a love plague and its blameless!
Dear God I pray you make this true!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Ive been in trouble so long that Ive gotten use to it. So I began to do my normal deeds like I'm gonna get in trouble for it. Like a sacrificial moment even in a good deed. But no more will I get in trouble for these things I do. When all I do is love you. Dear God I pray you make this true!
Our Heavenly Father
By Luciano Fisher · Thursday, July 8, 2010
Our Heavenly Father I call to you to make the dream & love in my words in reality true & give me freedom & inspiration with the words I will & still have to write too. Amen!
I start a chain reaction!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, July 8, 2010 at 3:15pm
I lose all control over love restriction & I start an epidemic with the love I'm making. My determination on a fairytale ending. Got my fear to love on an instant dieing. Now I love beyond comprehending with no need of trying. My love foundation is the origin of all creation. My virus & disease is love & I'm infecting everything. I start a chain reaction.
My love computes & it processes on neural roots!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, July 10, 2010
My love computes & it processes on neural roots. My brain matter's rules in every taughts I use. Toxic love roots & its never confused. Neither loosed or deviated in my sub & conscious. Ever active neural roots.
Love come here!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, July 12, 2010
I get an idea & it is total termination of my love fear. So that I can make, seek & see love clear. Then when it comes to love I have no possible conceivable fear. I love you wholeheartedly far & near & I will love with no fear. Love come here!
My word is written!
By Luciano Fisher · Monday, July 12, 2010
Deep inside my love enters spread all over the premise. Seek & find your emotion. Give them life by loving. Then burn within the love that I have written & it comes alive among the living. My word is written!
System under love command!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Spark up let the process in my brain start. Run & mass produce all my love inside. System under love command. Body rise come alive as the loving kind. Heart beat pump my love in your veins as blood. Spirit welcome help me out. Angel testify all of this to God.
I speak to inner self with these words of love!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I speak to inner self with these words of love. So that just by reading them you've been touched by love. Then from within you display this touch of love & so it becomes a part of your life.
As I now breathe into you!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, July 14, 2010
My verse blood flow poetic info. Connect points make love & let it be so. Each verse poem body loving info. I publish you read make the love know. Electronic poem bodies come alive now. Seeds planted sprung roots shed your fruits now. I your writer & creator so commands you. Each loving poem body now become true. As I now breathe into you.
Giving birth to a lovestyle!
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 6:00pm
I conceive possibilities on ways to love in my brain & execute unhesitating love.My creative wordplay goes fatally fertile & fertilize your lifestyle.Giving birth to a lovestyle added to my fashion profile.Then let this immortal fad run wild among adult & child.My soul has a loving spirit energy & a heart of gold.That will emotionally change the mind of the world.Behold this already started at the first poem I wrote.My love in the system concurs, overthrows & overrules. My love works & in use in all love to do's.
Imaging a life of love...
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Inventing love error correcting as clear as the logic in a life perception. Inclining understanding on Love's full comprehension. Imaging a life of love making life worth living...
Refreshed & awakened my mindset on love!
By Luciano Fisher · Thursday, July 15, 2010
Refreshed & awakened my mindset on love. So now in every action I will make & do with love. Formulated & enabled to just be myself. With a greater willingness to take a chance on love. Equip with auto healing & forgiving when I hurt or disappoint myself. My goal & destination is to add more love to life.
Make a good decision in emotion & in taught!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 16, 2010
My heart send a message of emotion to my head. So I will process taughts that will consider what my heart said & make a good decision in emotion & in taught.
Love equality.
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 16, 2010
Let there be a massive increase in my energy. To empower transfer of my words like telephety. Occur in the other me, known as the better half of me, or gender opposite of me. To start a better understanding of me. Vice versa between you & me. Love equillity.
Luciano Fisher "Dear God I pray that you give humanity a great interest, attention & magnetism to these written words of mine. You know they are important to me & those like me. I pray you let them come read them & understand them. So that they may finally hear me & those like me. In the name of humanity I Luciano Fisher your image pray. Amen!"
Then you'll come to a level that love is understood & it will be good.
by Luciano Fisher on Friday, July 16, 2010 at 2:09pm
I submit love in the heart on immediate start & its a love that will never ever fall apart. You fall in & never out forever plays it part. This the love in connection with our loving God. Love will grow, you will know & it will start to show. As you begin to feel things that you never knew. Your ears will hear truth & your eyes see good. Then you'll come to a level that love is understood & it will be good.
Closer to our God's intent!
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 16, 2010
I contemplate of the love I make & procreate deeper feeling in the love we made. To reinstate love as human instinct that we all must take & live our lives closer to our God's intent. This is time well spent.
My living flesh is love contaminated
by Luciano Fisher on Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 1:56pm
My born love disease matured in its written dormant state in the electric world & began to evolve by adapting to perfection att current habitat. A viral intelligence developed as it learned to travel over web traffic & my love bacteria began to communicate with each other & other electric bodies. Cross breeding by infecting all tipes of organisms caused it to solidify dominant rule as threatening as nuclear warfare but unnoticed like a molecule to human eye & multiplied spread into strike position like the earth is surrounded by sky. But now just before I trigger the attack. I release my secret & its I'm infected. My living flesh is contaminated & I remove the mind lock keeping it contained. By simply releasing this statement. I am God s image & by God within I speak in his voice & say I now blow a breath of life within all of these words that I have written you may live breathe in. Become alive in both worlds & infect the stars. Grow contagious written word come forth from your readers understanding & memories of you in their active & forgotten imaginations. Love disease infect by attack your life purpose is spread. You will soon hear the angels sing of a disease called love. You may think I imagine but once apon a time before the beginning God imagined us. PS activate my melody verse imagination so I may write creations & all ears will hear & listen. To my rhyming information sharing. (In the beginning there was the word) Behold my dreams, feelings, lies, emotions & all my creations come alive in worlds in all tipes of realms. Growing faith in all my body cells.
I will away my fear of speaking my mind.
by Luciano Fisher on Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 3:51pm
A life on earth surface can make you feel so worthless. When all the good you do is repay ed in heartaches. You hit your head & you learn but when you look again you find you hit your head in different situations. You seek & try to find your forgotten purpose broken spirit you begin to feel to stay alive is useless. Like your being abused to bend & forget who you as a person self is. I refuse to do this a life act as someone else is a lie of your existence. Ive been in trouble, hit my head even wished I'm dead but I have never given up & pretend to make my bed. You see Id rather be in trouble for just being myself. Then act & play on your emotions to abuse your kindness. I I pray that you will never do this & if a wish will help I wish away your opportunity to do this. I am a male but my other self is a female. You are too good & wonderful you deserve attention. Don't neglect to mention a disliking expect & tell the other party to do the same thing. Gain & keep an understanding. This will promote & turn into much deeper relation. I will away my fear of speaking my mind.
So that I may treat you equal to myself as living being.
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, July 17, 2010
I commend my hearing pay attention when I listen & before I make decision I will take emotion, feeling, situation & position under my consideration in relation to the living & remember we are human. So that I may treat you equal to myself as living being.
O God give me will to will away oppression of me!
by Luciano Fisher on Monday, July 19, 2010 at 1:52pm
I grow immune to your manipulation & bless myself with an intuition. That I program as defence against your playing my emotion. This will trigger outside help & protection of all my emotion. So you cant force or trick me into doing your bidding. You cant make me guilty when I intend no wrong. Burn into all eyesight sight to see how you oppress me by making me feel guilty. Thus you took away the freewill God gave me & you gave me only one choice if I want to be free is to do what you tell me. You made a slave & a puppet of me. Therefore dear God I pray you allow The Devil to take away all oppression of me in the sins I cant see. O God give me will to will away oppression of me. To the eyes of God look & see oppression is not good. Amen!
My word travel on a brainwave till all & God hear me!!!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I release all control restrictions on my feeling emotion & it starts to travel through the bloodstream my word in the system. They are all true & if not they deserve to be & my dreams become reality. Now my word travel on a brainwave till all & God hear me.
Growing trees from this!
By Luciano Fisher · Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I wrote all my poems on the earth's surface. Growing trees from this. Dear God when you look down from heaven you can see & read this. Don't wait until I pass on before you make a will of this. My poems already is. Now let it live.
My untwistable word!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, July 21, 2010
FAT Each & every word that I ever wrote got a meaning in a message in em you cant twist the truth & if you ever try to twist it. My eyes will see it & my ears will hear it. Then my brain will know it & my heart will feel it. My untwistable word. FATE
Make me feel I belong.
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 23, 2010
I need you to hear & listen to me & admit it when your wrong. To make me feel I belong.
Activate my brain...
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 23, 2010
Activate my brain to consider within. Then create a communication link between my thinking & feeling & make them bring forth an emotional thinking. So that I may show love, care & consideration in the thoughts I'm thinking.
I erase my fear to express my truth.
By Luciano Fisher · Friday, July 23, 2010
I erase my fear to express my truth & all things keeping me from exposing my hurt. To explain in creative detail what it is that makes me feel like dirt.
In my each rhyming sentence is my freedom's ammo!
by Luciano Fisher on Friday, July 23, 2010 at 6:07pm
I eliminate my suppression & engage attention. As I release thoughts I'm thinking during my conviction. In the hope of ligther sentencing & better correction. Because in current sentence I feel human oppression. In the outside world under household correction. So in my each rhyming sentence is my freedom s ammo. In which I express & explain myself to my living fellow. So label every poem as my trial defence against my next offence & as current late evidence. Hearing!
System update the human understanding!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, July 24, 2010
Synchronize the human conscious with the words that Ive written. Then give my heart a hearing on their emotion. Random access memory give them listen. Therefore system update the human understanding. My word priority is high in the conscious of the living & every being. Make them listen to them!
Relationship recover!
by Luciano Fisher on Saturday, July 24, 2010 at 10:18am
Let us increase & strengthen understanding between parent child relation. So that growing older doesn't push us to abandon & we become inviting to give reasoning between opinion. Desist to push your parent adulthood like a law. Don't be so uptight hear & listen to make your children feel comfortable & unafraid to open up towards ya. Therefore your relationship recover!
Amplify the silent voice!
By Luciano Fisher · Saturday, July 24, 2010
Send the frequency of my word to the human ear & be heard. Amplify the silent voice to the point that all behold. I'm not happy with my treatment by the world. LEAK!
Love intent...
by Luciano Fisher on Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 2:40pm
I sentence myself to a life of love & will serve the sentence as a freeman in the world we live. I judge & punish in accordance of my love & I will receive fair & loving treatment in this sentence I serve. I attract global attention towards my understanding & disable myself judgement. Love intent...
Streamline my word!
By Luciano Fisher · Sunday, July 25, 2010
A brainstorm in my head about the love I make. Take my train of thought to a state of love create. My written word burn into memory & command attention & respect & dispel neglect. Read & process my every poem's content. Streamline my word!
Receiver human body & energy!
by Luciano Fisher on Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 6:49pm
My word is in the air your inhale my care & become intoxicated by the love I write & share. Each poetic body sprung roots in the brain & began to grow. As a permanent legal lovehigh now begins to show. By the words I wrote & release up in the air all around you. Via mediums of modern radiowaves, electronic signal, brainwaves & mobility. My invention of reception of my word in reality. Receiver human body & energy!
Calling love to life!
By Luciano Fisher · Sunday, July 25, 2010
Open the door to my love & invoke your trust in my knowing & my being is a total must. Calling love to life!
Its an unchangeable fact that I trust in love!
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 11:08am
My love & emotion is beyond control. It is the very essence of the spirit of my soul. So in my every action I take or decision I make my love & emotion's ever present in what I do or make one. Its a part of how I function & if I'm not thinking I act on emotion. Its a big part of my actions motivation & the love I'm making. Love is the energy behind every breath I'm taking. I purposefully love just because I love to love. It an unchangeable fact that I trust in love!
Static & airborne
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 1:16pm
I send my love signal up inside your mainframe. Cause a chemical release deep inside your brain. That has an chemical effect on your hormonal function. Provoke body cells to produce emotion. Emotionally linking to your nervous system. Starting sending nerve signals to your brain of emotional feeling. Mind goes blank with unknowing & within that time frame... I plant the love seed in the blank. Signaling the root growth of a neural conscious love link. So begins the love sickness transmittance & influence in the way you think. Infecting spreading from & internally within the body. Love now become an airborne virus attack on life & lifeless with incurable love sickness. Static & airborne!
My writing takes effect on realities fabric!
By Luciano Fisher · Wednesday, July 28, 2010
My writing takes effect on realities fabric & the love & emotion it contains come alive like magic. As the message it sends or demands is followed to the letter & spiritually executed. Regardless of the realm, platform, dimension, book, universe or page I write & display my writing on. Each read & exposure of my poems is love made & realised.
Sometimes dreams!
by Luciano Fisher on Sunday, August 1, 2010 at 1:52pm
Sometimes dreams Is your feeling & emotion needs. Such a deepness that its calling me a gift of love. Without physical touch & it feels like you are making love. I know you love me so I make love to you. That I deepen your pleasure & increase emotion. Write you what I feel, is, creating & ways that I am. Growing your knowledge of me in understanding. Give yourself a feminine relation of my male emotion. Sometimes dreams what the spirit needs!
My declaration of truth!
by Luciano Fisher on Monday, August 2, 2010 at 1:20am
Our Heavenly Father I do not think, feel or is enable to fit into this world & I base this on punishment as evidence of my own natural life long actions. My happiness only last in short cycles. Then when I'm at my confidence I somehow have to return to my prison that is called a house but a house is good just not for me. So God look in the life memory & see it as a testimony of my life that I will to you as God to not allow birth into such a life. Yet birth is not the problem. I have made peace with me as Luciano Fisher to cease to exist. I have tried my whole life long so I ask of you God take me out of this world as being as a whole. All I do is feel dead. God am I the Devil I don't understand or can learn to I tried. Therefore I don't want to or don't belong in your creation. Amen! My declaration of truth!
Come alive inside we are almost extinct!
by Luciano Fisher on Saturday, August 7, 2010 at 9:20pm
My head is sealed up waterproof & airtight. With bulletproof windows better known as eyesight. My soul fill my body up & never step outside. I cannot be possessed soul only out when body died. In the darkness of my mind my loving spirit is a light. Shine like a star in darkness memory of mind. So my brains first thought my loving spirit process thought. Resulting in a love conscious as instinctive & important as the bodies need for blood. Producing personality ever hungry love entrust. Therefore just by living love became a must. A basic need for companionship do testify love as command. Love gave life to human without love humanity died. Come alive inside we are almost extinct!
Luciano Fisher Jou kak gedagtes wat jy sue wegstiek. Sal ek uit gaan haal en jou stilte bek briek. Ek is doofstom se maker. My dowe stem staan nader en hies jy nou. My gehoor is oor hys getoor vermoor. Nou hoor ek in my lings en regs. Fuilgat en sleg stuur ek onfrugbaar weg. Rape is verlief op my en ek is ooral oorvol.
Luciano Fisher Vileef sukkel vi liefde wereld vugiet my saat is bestaans en alleen ieniek. Ek maak vrek die iedee wat jy kry op moerstrip en leewe in depressie om te sien wat briek. Ek het jou sex lus vegiet in die geboorte van gedagte wanek moet werklik liefhet. Jy was gewaarskue slattie tellie hie kom ek. Uit die begin van tyd se v...erleede yt. Op n golf van my kopskeedel se vrugbaarhyt. Jys n teef in my maniekie wereld!
Luciano Fisher Whaas jou liggie nou bring hom he kom nader. Jy sittie vihom affie laat ek hom benader. Soe vegaan ek innie ruimte en ek maak planeet.... Ek val venou trug na enels
Rules sould not be more important than a person's lifetime!
by Luciano Fisher on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at 7:31pm
This is how its been for me in family house.
Ever since the day I started on my social life.
My parents would allow to go out but under rules & terms.
Then under house arrest when I broke the rules.
So I've spent most my life under house arrest.
Except for the time of my relationship.
I could come & go cause I had a girlfriend.
But now in single life all they see is wrong.
Like they do'nt care what I do right all they see is wrong.
Then they blame it on addiction but those days are gone.
Coz the reason of my use is to sometimes past the time & at times simply having fun.
But that is a problem cause I live in such a time.
So I'm not allowed have a life because of difference of theirs & mine.
Now I think they keep me down by not allowing me to overcome & these things take time.
Yet most of my time I'm under household correction.
How will I find what I'm seeking when I'm not allowed to decide & have experiance on life's temtations.
Why can't I have fun until the time comes for me to settle down?
Rules sould not be more important than a person's lifetime!
Its a problem...
We are not born to live to settle down!
Eventually we all will but you souldsould support the freedom & allow those without responsibilities to live & spend their time as they choose.
Insted of forcing them into a premature decision on a responsible way of living.
Consider your actions as parents they could be the reason of the reaction of young parents.
So that they may gain respect & support in their own decisions.
Consider your actions!
Luciano Fisher
They do'nt listen to me they believe themself.
They decide beforehand about my problems in life.
They do'nt consider my opinion they believe their toughts.
Even if their toughts are wrong they wanna make it laws.
How can you be so deep in yourself that you can't hear nobody else?
This is the problem with our parents
Set better examples!
by Luciano Fisher on Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at 5:27pm
You play my emotion & you make me feel bad & if you don't get your way you make me look bad.
Your suppose to be a parent but your playing mind games.
My definition of smart is not based on fooling others by playing mind games.
Set better examples & be better parents.
My eyes are focused on love intentions!
I will love apon my better half that has no end & I will always understand.
I feel so ashamed when you compare my emotion to property by trying to hurt me by braking or taking my things. How can a object be used in the same sense as my living being immortal love for you? Don't you know emotion are my only valuable riches in this world?
Like the spirit over waters.
My spirit's contained & travel on the pages of my words!
May all eyes see how & what I mean with the words on containing pages.
May all understand the meaning & the message of my every verse/poem.
May the truth or dream in my words make you proud to speak of them.
Let all ears hear & listen to my written word as silent voice.
Till I no longer could keep it in & began to wrote it out!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 2:39pm
Keeping to myself with all the pain in life.
Made me drew into myself & hurt my emotional health.
Plus my need to stay strong broke my emotional wealth.
Then the pain got too much & it drowned myself.
Till I no longer could keep it in & began to write it out.....
I shoot love in & love comes alive with the love I'm making!
Its the only way I will ever see the world as real!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 2:46pm
I see you got an issue an addiction that I call control & now I don't feel alive like the dead's my will.
You gotta let me live by giving love control.
Its the only way I will ever see the world as real.
You sould have known I work for love now my money addiction's dead!
by Luciano Fisher on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 3:12pm
I am beyond your help.
Coz love does'nt need your help.
Coz when you took my word you wanted to take my power.
Then denied me life to make a slave of power.
So my heart goes on & my mind goes off.
Now you hate & haat when you see you don't love.
Yet still I'm alive & all I do is love.
So take your suffer away because it does not love you.
When love don't exist there is no high or low.
Animal & wild thus alive in defence of love.
I am Adam & Eve's body born as one.
God within & the Devil is beyond control.
You only make him hate the living when you call human a product.
Angel of death/Ripperman deny the dead.
So all empty war making bodies drop dead & no energy left to use.
Coz love in itself is a energy feed.
You make ash of it.
Saying love do not exist.
Displaying you love money more than you love,love.
Now dead come & take dead & sex is imputent until true love exist.
As ruler of all plan & intent,copy & communication dominate.
You will let love live in trust & if it does'nt work out you made a game of it.
Then your jealousy is dead & all end to exist.
You souled have known I work love now my money addiction's dead.
Love in my head...
It broke my heart but I love her anyway
By Luciano Fisher
I was on top of my game.I was a playboy king.
The women and the booze was the game I'm in.
My heart was like a stone letting no one in.
But then i met her at a party much to my surprise.
I could'nt say a word as i looked in her eyes.
As our eye contact made a silent wish.
Then it began we had our first kiss.
I was head over heels swept off my feet
and for the first time ever i could feel complete.
The days went past phone calls for hours.
We phoned everyday and we talked 2 hours.
And it was so cool if the phone would die.
One of us would call back to say
"Ba Baai."
At the end of the month i was free of doubt.
So i made a wise move and i asked her out.
We were wild and free and i had you with me.
With a smile on my face for the world to see.
You were more than a lover.
You were my best friend.
You saw the real me not the make pretend.
I could look at you for hours without saying
a word...
And it would be perfect feeling free as a bird.
And when your time of the month begin.
I would ask God the pain hope you don't feel a thing.
We got to a level that we became one....
And in your eyes i could see my son.
Then the bad news came
That we would move away.
It hit me like a bus driving on a highway.
Yet we stayed together phoning everyday.
But it grew a little less with each passing day.
Then she said the words i never taught she'd say...
I felt a part of me die that day.
It broke my heart but i love her anyway.
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